Holy Spirit of God,
You bestow generously your gifts
Upon the People of God.
You transform us at our baptism,
Cleansing us of original sin
And making us adopted sons and daughters of God!
You fill us with faith, hope, and love,
And with so many other virtues
That make us pleasing to God.
You grant us wisdom and understanding,
Counsel and fortitude,
knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.
And you also freely bestow on each of us
The gifts that enable us to build up the Body of Christ,
Each according to our own vocation.
Come, Holy Spirit!
Your people need your gifts
To build the Culture of Life,
To protect the unborn,
And to effectively counteract the lies of abortion.
Come, Holy Spirit!
By the power of your gifts,
Make the pro-life movement a unified yet beautifully diverse force
To persuade all people to welcome the unborn,
To convincingly teach all people that abortion is wrong,
And to craft public policies that will end this violence.
Come, Holy Spirit!
Give pro-life advocates ever new ideas
For presenting the eternal Word of life,
Ever new and creative strategies
For advancing the eternal Gospel of life,
And ever new energy
For proclaiming, celebrating, and serving the gift of life!
Come, Holy Spirit!
We are ready to receive your light, your gifts, your strength,
And the victory of life that comes from you!
We pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life