Cause of our Joy


Mary, Mother of Jesus,
At whose greeting John the Baptist leapt for joy
In his mother’s womb,
You are the Cause of our Joy.

You brought us Jesus Christ,
Who conquers our every enemy,
Fulfills our every need,
And gives us joy in this world and in eternity.

Be the Cause of our Joy today,
Even as we live in the shadow of the culture of death,
Even as we are surrounded by the sin of abortion.

Be the Cause of our Joy
As we welcome the conception and birth of new children in our lives
And as we rejoice with parents
Who are entrusted with these gifts.

Be the Cause of our Joy
As we learn of babies saved from abortion
And their moms and dads saved from its pain.

Be the Cause of our Joy
As we are able to save these children
Through our words and actions.

Be the Cause of our Joy
As we welcome back to mercy and peace
Those who have had abortions or cooperated with it in any way.

And Mary, be the Cause of our Joy
When at last we see abortion abolished
And the Culture of Life restored,
And when we ourselves are ushered in to that new world
Where there will be no more tears or pain,
And no more death.

Cause of our Joy, bring us to Jesus,
Who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: