She prayed with the disciples for the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:14)

Blessed Virgin Mary,
You prayed along with the disciples of your Son,
After his Ascension and at his command,
To await the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

You showed yourself to be the Mother of the Church
Which, as His Mystical Body,
Continues His presence and ministry in the world,
And continues to bring the power of His Spirit
To all who obey Him.

Mary, pray with us again today
For we need an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

At the dawn of creation,
The Spirit breathed over the waters
And brought order out of chaos,
Light out of darkness,
And life out of death.

On the first Easter night,
Your Risen Son breathed the Spirit of forgiveness on the apostles,
Again bringing order out of the chaos
Of a world broken by sin.

Pray with us for that Spirit again
To breathe over the culture of death
And transform it into a culture of life.

Pray with us that the Spirit of Truth
Will defeat the lie of abortion;
That the Spirit of Life
Will close every abortion center
And end the shedding of innocent blood;
That the Spirit of Grace
Will convert every abortionist and bring them
To life-giving repentance;
That the Spirit of Consolation
Will heal every heart wounded by abortion
And restore their life with new hope.

Mary, with you as our ever-present and loving Mother,
We invoke the Holy Spirit,
The Lord and Giver of Life
To bring to us the victory of life,
The end of abortion,
And the blessing of life eternal. Amen.


Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: