Mary, you are called the Mirror of Justice.
In you we see the reflection
Of Jesus the Lord, who is Justice itself,
And you want nothing more
Than to lead us to him.
Through the Prophet Isaiah,
God calls his people to
“Do Justice! Redress the wronged,
Hear the orphan’s plea, defend the widow” (Is. 1:17).
The psalmist, foretelling the coming of your Son Jesus, says,
“He will govern your people with justice,
And your oppressed with right judgment” (Ps. 72:2).
Mary, pray for the most oppressed of all,
The children in the womb,
Whose very right to life is not recognized or protected.
Bring about justice for them
By having all people see them
As their brothers and sisters
And provide protection for them in the law
And welcome for them around their table.
Pray to God,
Who always hears the cry of his people who are oppressed,
That he may intervene to save them
And give us the wisdom and strength
To intervene as well.
Mirror of Justice, bring an end to the injustice of abortion,
And pray for us. Amen.