O Blessed Virgin Mary,
You are invoked around the world
As our Mother of Good Counsel.
You prayed with the disciples
For the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Counselor,
And you constantly intercede for us,
That His Divine Counsel will guide our lives,
As He guided you at every moment of your life.
Mother Mary,
Bring good counsel to those who are confused about abortion.
Enlighten all people to see the dignity and rights
Of the unborn child.
Awaken all legislators and judges
To their duty to protect the right to life of the unborn.
Guide and direct the many good works
Of those who carry out pro-life activities.
Mary, in a particular way,
Give good counsel to those who are pregnant
But are afraid to accept the vocation of parenthood.
Do not let them fall prey
To the smooth and deceptive lies of the abortion industry.
Do not let their hearts become afraid,
Or their minds become confused,
By messages that only tell them how hard it will be.
Rather, show them that they are not alone.
Let them see the People of God who are ready to help them,
Let them realize that their circumstances can quickly change,
And fill their hearts with love for that child
Who already exists within them.
Show them, above all, the love of your Son,
The Good Shepherd,
Who will lead and guide them through their pregnancy
And throughout their lives.
Our Lady of Good Counsel,
Prevent all moms from calling abortion centers
Or walking anywhere near them.
Remove any thought from their minds
That the abortionist can help them or solve their problems.
Let them turn instead to your people,
Who are ready to help them in the Churches,
In the pregnancy centers,
And in the community in countless ways.
Bring all mothers to the joy of welcoming and nurturing their children.
Teach us all the good counsel
Of saying a generous “Yes” to life.
Our Lady of Good Counsel, pray for us!