Eternal Father,
You lead your Church to yourself through Jesus Christ your Son.
He is the Good Shepherd,
Who knows his sheep, binds up their wounds, and gives his life for the flock.
We pray today for your Church
And for all who have been given a share
In the ministry of Christ, the Good Shepherd.
Heal the wounds of all who believe in you.
Enable us each day to rise from our sins
And to experience the new hope of reconciliation.
Grant that all who have been wounded by abortion
May find forgiveness and peace
In the community of the Church.
Grant to the pastors of your Church
The grace to repent of any way that they have failed
To lead the flock with the truth of the Gospel
And to bear witness to the Culture of Life.
Father, make your Church, which is the Bride of Christ,
All that she is called to be.
Let her light shine to all the nations
With a brightness that overcomes every shadow of death
And leads all your people to the fullness of life
In this world and in the world to come.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone