Lord of All,
Your Providence guides the paths of history
And of our own lives.
You know our past and our future
And you call us to trust in you
More and more each day.
Lord, I come to you today
Both with sadness and with hope.
You entrusted to my family
The gift of my grandchild.
When that child was in danger,
I did what I could to save (his)(her) life.
Lord, I trust in you.
You love my grandchild
Even more than I do,
And even death
Cannot stop your loving care.
Keep my grandchild -- and me -- safe in your hands
Until the day we are reunited
And all death is conquered forever
By the power of your love and life.
Bless my entire family
And bring us your salvation.
I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone