Lord, Author of Life,
I come before you with thanks and praise.
You made all things out of nothing,
And created us without our asking or earning it.
You guide and protect all you have created
And your love knows no measure.
You brought order out of the ancient chaos
And calmed the stormy seas.
Day by day, you calm the storms of our lives
And bring to our hearts the peace
That passes all understanding.
Lord, I praise you today
For my own being.
You love and welcome me,
Without reservation, without conditions,
And without end.
You also love my parents and my sibling(s).
In life and death, we belong to you,
And you ask us to entrust ourselves to you.
Lord, fill me with your love and your peace.
Heal me of the wounds that abortion has inflicted
Upon me and my family.
Receive my sibling(s) into your eternal care,
And let me experience that same care day by day,
As I make my journey toward you
And fulfill the vocation you have given me in this life.
Give me your joy,
Give me the vigor of life,
And enable me to be a life-giver to others.
I pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone