Prayer of a Parent of Sibling Survivors of Abortion

Father of mercy and peace,
Come to me today.

You are close to us in every difficulty.
You heal our past,
And you walk before us in our future.

Forgive all my sins,
Of which I repent again today
With confidence in your unfailing love.

Bless my child(ren)
Who have lost (a) sibling(s) to abortion.
Teach us how to talk about this loss with each other
With the honesty that comes from your Spirit.

Teach us how to grieve this loss together
And how to encourage each other
To trust in your love,
Which is stronger than death.

Teach us that
While nobody can replace those we have lost,
Your presence among us
Always draws us closer to you and to one another,
And gives us the power to live
With all the peace and joy that mark your Kingdom.

As we thank you for the life you give our family,
And mourn those who are missing from it,
Make us witnesses of hope to one another
And to the world,
And enable us to look forward to that day
When we will all be reunited
And when there will be no more death,
No more sorrow,
No more crying out or pain.

Lord, make all things new!

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fr. Frank Pavone

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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