Prayer for all Abortion Survivors

Father of life,
How marvelous is your care for us.
You have made us little less than the angels,
And have given us the call to eternal life.

We cry out to you as a wounded people,
Daily carrying the scars
That abortion has unleashed upon us.

We pray in particular for abortion survivors.
We pray for those who were almost aborted,
For those who lost siblings to abortion,
For those who survived an abortion procedure,
And for those who are simply aware
That their lives were not protected
When they were in the womb.

We ask you today
To ease any anxiety or sense of guilt they may have.
Lift their minds and hearts to you
And let them know that
You welcome and protect them
With infinite and unconditional love.

Bless their families and bless their futures.
Strengthen their love for their parents
And unite their families in service to your Kingdom.

Show these sons and daughters of yours
That your love is stronger than death.
Reveal to them your plan for their lives
And strengthen them to live their calling
With faith, eagerness, and perseverance.

May we be witnesses to them
Of the care and welcome you provide for all your people.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.  

Fr. Frank Pavone

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: