Lord, you call all people to be saved
And to come to know the truth.
We thank you for your powerful grace,
Unleashed upon the world
By the saving death and resurrection
Of your Son, Jesus Christ.
We praise you for how that grace
Sets free our brothers and sisters
Who are in the darkness
Of the abortion industry
And brings them to repentance and healing.
We pray today for these men and women
Who once used their skills to kill children
But who now, like the Centurion at the cross of Jesus,
Have dropped their weapons and declared,
“Surely this was an innocent man!"
Lord, continue to heal
All who have left the abortion industry.
Let them know that they are not alone,
And that your mercy never fails.
Give them strength for the journey of healing.
Enable them to connect once again
With their own humanity
And with the humanity of the children
Whose lives they took.
Restore the relationships that were broken
As their lives spiraled out of control
And resentment and despair filled them
During their days and nights of child-killing.
Bring them now to a new day,
And to a new awareness of the value of every life
And of their own lives.
May we, the People of Life,
Be a sign to them of your welcoming mercy
And of your saving grace.
And may the witness of their conversion
Lead many others to leave the industry of death
And devote themselves to the service of life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life