Father, all life comes from you,
And you call the human family
To live in communion with you
And with one another.
As you are one with your Son
And the Holy Spirit,
So you call us to live as a family,
United in self-giving love.
You entrust us to the care of one another
And call us to be especially attentive
To the weakest and most dependent
Members of our family.
You call us to welcome life
Even when it is unexpected
And to nurture and protect it
Just as you nurture and protect us all.
You call us to bear witness in the world
To the bonds of unity and peace
Which are inspired by your Spirit
And which overcome division and unforgiveness.
You call us to serve the Church
And to encourage other families
Especially those in difficulty.
Bless and protect us as a family
And let us be witnesses
In word and deed
To the Gospel of Life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone