St. Joseph, Husband of Mary

Just as Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is an example to all mothers facing an unexpected pregnancy, so Joseph is an example for all fathers to trust in God as they fulfill their responsibilities to their families. St. Joseph was given the duty of protecting God Himself in the flesh, and Mary his mother. By following Joseph’s example and relying on his intercession, men fulfill a key role in ending abortion, protecting the unborn, strengthening families, and building a culture of life. His Feast Day is March 19.

St. Joseph,
You were given the high calling
To protect the Son of God
And Mary, his Mother.

You fulfilled your duty
With trust in God,
With humble, quiet obedience,
And with tender love and strength.

St. Joseph, you are a model for all fathers
Who are likewise called to protect their families,
And to secure the lives of their children,
Whether born or unborn.

We know the tremendous influence fathers have
When there is an unplanned pregnancy,
And they can either be a force for good and life
Or for abortion and death.

They can inspire hope by their reassuring words and presence,
Or they can induce despair by their absence.

St. Joseph, pray for all fathers,
That they may always speak words of life and strength.
Bless them, their unborn children, and the mothers of those children.

Enable us all to work together
To build the Culture of Life
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

St. Joseph, pray for us!

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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