The Joyful Mysteries
The Annunciation
The angel announces to Mary an unplanned pregnancy. Yet instead of asserting her choice, she says, “Let it be done to me according to your word.” Let us pray that all who face an unplanned pregnancy, and all who help them, may follow Mary’s example of putting God’s will before their own.
The Visitation
During her life, Mary was attentive to God’s Word, and allowed that Word to lead her into action. She went to see Elizabeth; she spoke up at Cana; she went to Calvary. So too, we who are called to prayer are also called to action. Through Mary’s intercession may we be as active as possible to reach, educate and mobilize voters to vote pro-life.
The Nativity
The birth of Christ is greeted with joy. Just as this child is God, so every child is the image of God. May all babies be welcomed with joy, protected and celebrated!
The Presentation
Jesus is presented in the Temple, to show that all of us belong to God alone. The babies in the womb also belong to God. Only He determines if they live or die; only He is the owner and Lord of human life.
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
The distress of Mary and Joseph when they could not find Jesus is now replaced by the joy of seeing him again. Let us pray for all who have lost children to abortion. May they seek forgiveness, find salvation, and see their children again in the endless life and joy of heaven.
The Luminous Mysteries
Christ is Baptized in the Jordan
Christ is baptized to show that he welcomes us into his Kingdom by baptism. What makes life sacred is not that we choose it, but that God chooses it first. Our duty is to welcome it, whether we planned it or not.
Christ is made known at the Wedding of Cana
Jesus performs his first miracle when a married couple faces a situation they could not solve on their own. Jesus is always ready to take the water of our circumstances and change it into wine. May he transform His people’s fears about welcoming new life into the courage to be generous in protecting and caring for children.
Christ proclaims the Kingdom and Calls All to Conversion
“The Kingdom of God is at Hand.” This is a Kingdom of life. One of the ways we embrace it is to elect those who will enact laws that correspond to God’s law and protect life. Through Mary’s intercession, may all who hold and seek public office recognize God’s law as higher than any human law, and always seek to follow that higher law.
The Transfiguration
Christ’s glory is manifested on the mountain. In his human body he reveals the Father and foreshadows his victory over death. May all people recognize that every human life, born and unborn, is a reflection of that same glory. May we be filled with reverence and respect for each person, in body and soul.
Jesus gives us the Eucharist
Jesus says, "This is My Body.” To give us life, he gives away his own. Abortion supporters say, “This is my body.” To live their own lives, they take the lives of babies. Abortion is the opposite of love. May our worship of the Eucharist strengthen our love and our opposition to abortion.
The Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden
Jesus saw all the sins of all time, including the sin of killing babies by abortion. Let us pray for the babies who are in agony as they are aborted. Let us pray for those who are wounded, including moms, dads, grandparents and all of us, who are rightly grieved and distressed that this killing continues.
The Scourging
Jesus’ body is scourged with destructive instruments; the bodies of babies in the womb are likewise torn apart by the instruments of the abortionists. Yet people do not see it. Let us pray that the violence of abortion will be exposed for all to see, and to reject.
The Crowning with Thorns
The soldiers crowned Jesus in mockery, not realizing that he actually is the King, that they are under his law, and that one day he will judge them. Even though we, too, are ridiculed for our stand for life, we stand with confidence. Christ the true King speaks and works through us and brings about his triumph of life.
The Carrying of the Cross
Jesus carried his cross for us, and for the unborn, and told us we must carry our own cross each day. May we never be afraid of the ridicule, the rejection, and the suffering that come from standing up for these babies and against abortion.
The Crucifixion
We stand in prayer right now at the cross of Christ, united with him because we love him, and confident that he is more powerful than death. We also think of all the babies being killed right now in abortion mills, which are the modern-day Calvaries. May God’s people stand in prayer with those children, and be confident that Christ has conquered the power of abortion.
The Glorious Mysteries
The Resurrection
By his Resurrection, Christ Jesus has abolished death and restored life. He lives and reigns forever and ever as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. All the nations of the earth are subject to his dominion. As we meditate on His Resurrection, let us pray that every nation may be governed according to the Kingship of Christ; let us pray that every political leader may obey his law; let us pray that every voter may carry out that solemn duty in a way that glorifies the Risen Lord.
The Ascension
In His Ascension, Jesus returns to His throne, now having a human body and a human soul. He remains fully God and fully human. This tells the world what God thinks of human life. The babies in the womb have the same human nature that God has on His throne. Humanity was already holy because God made it; now he exalts it even more.
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. The culture of death, by contrast, leads us to falsehood and rejects the very existence of truth. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will awaken all who are deceived and bring them to embrace the sanctity of life, starting with the unborn.
The Assumption
At the end of her earthly life, Mary was taken body and soul into heaven. Her body did not undergo corruption, because God had been in her womb. Let us ask Mary to intercede for all mothers who mourn for the babies who died in their womb by abortion. May they receive God’s forgiveness and entrust their children to Jesus through Mary.
The Coronation
Next to Jesus, the King of the Universe, is a woman, a mother, who bore him in her womb and is now Queen of the Universe. Let us rejoice because she reigns with tenderness, with mercy, with love for every child born and unborn, and for every one of us.