Refuge of Sinners

Loving Mother of our Redeemer,
You are called upon throughout the world
As the Refuge of Sinners.

To you the desperate come,
As to a Mother
Who provides a loving refuge
When they are afraid to come to anyone else.

Mary, we pray today, and we ask you to intercede,
For all who are overwhelmed by the sin of abortion,
And fear that they cannot find forgiveness.

You are the Refuge of Sinners
Because you bore for the world the one who destroyed sin,
The only Mediator between us and God, Jesus Christ.

We pray today, lead us closer to him,
And inspire all who have committed the sin of abortion
To turn to him, by whose wounds we are healed.

Mary, may sinners take refuge in you,
From the oppressive power of despair,
From the confusing power of falsehood,
And from the destructive power of violence.

Mary, may all find refuge in you,
As they reject the lie of abortion,
The abuse of freedom,
The perversion of human rights,
And the counterfeit view of women’s rights.

Through your help, Refuge of Sinners and Mother of the Redeemer,
May the sin of any kind of complicity in abortion
Be washed away in the ocean
Of the Mercy of Jesus Christ, who died for us.

Through your presence,
Overcome the loneliness that abortion causes
And bring those guilty of it
To the peace of fellowship with you and all the saints

As we all worship together
The Lamb who was slain for us
And whose blood redeems us to God,
Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Refuge of sinners, pray for us!

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: