St. Elizabeth

As we know from Luke’s Gospel, Elizabeth was the cousin of the Virgin Mary, who ministered to her in the final months of her pregnancy. St. John the Baptist leapt for joy in Elizabeth’s womb. She is the Patron Saint of Pregnant Women and her Feast Day is November 5.

St. Elizabeth,
We praise the Lord
For his mercy which was manifested in your life.

Though you were thought to be barren,
You conceived a child, St. John the Baptist,
Who leapt for joy in your womb
When the Blessed Virgin Mary visited you.

You proclaimed that Mary was blessed among women,
And that the fruit of her womb was blessed as well.

St. Elizabeth, we ask for your intercession today
For every child in the womb,
Fearfully and wonderfully made by God.

May they all be protected
From the violence of abortion,
And may your people see every life in the womb
As a blessing to be cherished
And a brother or sister to be welcomed.

We ask your intercession
For every mother carrying a child within her. As you experienced the help of Mary,
So may they experience the help
Of God’s people through their pregnancies.

May every mother, father and child
Rejoice together in a new culture of life
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

St. Elizabeth, pray for us!

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

Priests for Life
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