St. Mary Magdalene

As we read in the Gospels, Mary Magdalene was one of the women who assisted Jesus in his ministry, and from whom he had cast seven devils. She stood by the cross, and was chosen to announce the Resurrection to the apostles on Easter morning. For that, she is called the Apostle of the apostles. Her Feast Day is July 22.

St. Mary Magdalene,
We are thankful with you for the mercy of God,
Who liberates us from the power of the devil
And forgives all our sins when we repent.

We seek to follow your example,
As you assisted the Lord Jesus
As he proclaimed that the Kingdom of God had come.

We join you in spirit
At the foot of the Cross of Jesus,
Reflecting on the love he showed us
While we were still at enmity with God.

We share in your longing for Jesus
As you wept on Easter morning at his tomb,
Not knowing where he was.

And we rejoice with you
At finding him alive, risen from the dead,
And giving you the privilege
Of announcing his resurrection to the apostles.

St. Mary Magdalene,
Intercede for all who are caught in the grip of abortion,
Those tempted to abort,
And those who have had abortions.

Pray that they may be set free
And may become witnesses to the mercy of Christ.

Pray for all God’s People of Life,
That they may be effective in protecting
The most vulnerable among us,
The children in the womb,
And in proclaiming the Gospel of Life,
Made known to us in Jesus the Lord. Amen.

St. Mary Magdalene, pray for us!

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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