St. Raymond Nonnatus

St. Raymond, who died in 1240, miraculously survived his birth by cesarean section, though losing his mother in the process. He is the patron saint of obstetricians and midwives, and his Feast Day is August 31.

St. Raymond Nonnatus,
We give thanks to God with you
For the gift of life.

As a sign of His infinite love,
He preserved your own life
And allowed you to bless with your intercession
The lives of so many mothers, children,
And those who assist in the beautiful process of birth.

We ask your prayers today
For all mothers who face difficult pregnancies
And all unborn children who are in distress.
May God grant them courage,
Turn them away from any temptation
To do violence to their children by abortion,
And let them trust completely in Him.

St. Raymond, intercede for all
Who assist mothers in the process of birth.
Give them the skill, the care, and the compassion
That reflect your own tender love.

May all mothers who have lost their lives
In giving birth to their children
Be greeted by you in heaven
And received by the Lord of Life,
Who makes all things new
In the triumph of Jesus Christ,
Who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.

St. Raymond Nonnatus, pray for us!

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

Priests for Life
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