She Stood by the Cross (Jn.19:25)


Mary, Mother of Jesus,
You stood by the Cross of your Son
As he willingly died
For the salvation of the world.

By his death he destroyed our death
And the death of every unborn child.

You are Our Lady of Sorrows,
And your Son is the Man of Sorrows,
By whose wounds we are healed.

Mary, receive our sorrow today.
Our hearts are broken
Over the daily killing of children in the womb.
Our hearts grieve with the moms, dads, families and friends
Of all the children who have been aborted.

Take our sorrow,
Unite it with yours
And with the suffering of your Son,
And transform it into joy.

Mother of sorrows,
You were told that your heart
Would be pierced with a sword.
You and Joseph had to flee to Egypt
To keep Jesus safe.
You searched in anguish for Jesus
When he was missing for three days.
You encountered him as he carried the cross,
Stood by him as he died,
And held him in your arms
Before he was laid in the tomb.

Console the hearts of all
Who have lost a child to abortion.
Console the hearts of all
Who are persecuted for defending the unborn.
Console all of us
With the hope that one day soon
The nightmare of abortion will end
And we may live in a culture of life.

Mary, Mother of Sorrows,
And Comforter of the Afflicted,
Pray for us. Amen.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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