Lord Jesus, at the beginning of Your earthly ministry,
You quoted the prophet Isaiah,
Declaring that the Spirit of the Lord is upon You
For the liberation of the captives
And the freedom of the oppressed.
We rejoice, as members of Your Body,
As living stones of Your Temple,
As branches on the True Vine,
That we share the same Spirit.
We too, Lord, long for the day
When the oppressed will be set free,
When the unborn, too long ignored
And treated as less than human,
Will be given the full respect and protection they deserve.
This, Oh Lord, is a work of your Spirit,
And therefore a work that all your disciples
Are called to support.
In the power of Your Spirit, Lord Jesus,
Set the unborn free,
And make us agents of their freedom.
Lord, we are your Bride,
And filled with Your Spirit,
We long for Your return,
To establish the fullness of the Kingdom of Life.
“The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come!’
“Let him who hears their voices say, ‘Come!’” (Rev. 22:17)
For You live and reign forever and ever. Amen!
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life