Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Closing of an Abortion Mill

God of Life,
You abolished the Kingdom of death
Through the death and Resurrection of your Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
And revealed Life and Immortality through his Gospel.

His death on the Cross made us the People of Life,
Called to stand against abortion and all the evil forces
That destroy and degrade human life and dignity.

Father, we thank you for inspiring your people
To defend the unborn,
Especially through their presence and prayers at abortion mills,
Their witness to the community
And their offer of help to the moms and dads who are in such despair
That they think they need to have their children killed.

You are the God of Victories,
And we thank you for the victory that has been won
Over this particular abortion mill.

Thank you for ending the brutal killing of babies in this place.
Thank you for stopping the bloodshed at this facility,
A place that has been a stain and shame on our community.

Thank you for sparing your children from death
And their parents from a lifetime of regret.

Lord, as we thank you for the closing of this mill,
We pray for the grace of repentance upon the abortionist,
Upon the moms who had their babies killed here,
And upon all who facilitated the deadly procedures
That were carried out here.

We pray that you may lead all these people to healing,
And receive these children into your loving arms.

And we thank you for the closing of so many other killing centers
Across the nation and around the world.

May the victory of life continue to unfold and grow
Until your people are united in that heavenly Jerusalem
Where there will be no more death, no more crying out or pain,
But only endless life and joy.

We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: