The Spirit Brings Hope

Holy Spirit of God,
You are the one who inspires hope.

You remind us of all Jesus taught us,
And you unite us with all the saving power
Of his paschal mystery.

We know that abortion does not come from freedom,
But from despair.

Breathe on your people,
And replace despair with hope.

Come to those who are pregnant and afraid,
And whose despair is tempting them to abort.
Give them new hope, and the strength to say Yes to life.

Come to those who have had abortions,
And who despair of God’s forgiveness.
You are the best of Counselors; You are the Comforter.
Therefore, give them new hope, that they may receive his mercy and healing.

Come to those who work to end abortion,
But are weary and unsure of the future.
Give them new hope that they will indeed see the victory of life.

Holy Spirit, may the hope you inspire
Enable us to take hold now
Of the eternal life that we will share forever
With you, with the Father,
And with Jesus the Son, in whose name we pray. Amen.

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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