Venerable Annie died in 1941 at age 17. When she was 13 years old, Annie heard her mother pleading, “That’s a sin against heaven and against the infant—you can’t kill it!” Not understanding until later that she was making reparation for abortions, she nevertheless turned to the Lord in fervent prayer against the evil that had manifested itself to her. For the next four years, she lay dying of tuberculosis, offering her sufferings and her life for the sake of the babies killed in the womb.
Lord, we live in the shadow of death.
We your people are rightly horrified
At the ongoing tragedy of abortion.
Lord, you broke the heart
Of Venerable Annie
When she heard the distress of her mom
And later found out about the evil of abortion.
We thank you, O God,
Who through your Holy Spirit,
Inspire your People of Life
To make reparation for this unspeakable crime
Of the killing of innocent children.
We thank you for the pure and beautiful soul
Of Blessed Annie
Who, as she suffered during the final years of her young life,
Offered herself for the least of our brothers and sisters,
The children in the womb.
Grant us that same spirit of solidarity with them
And of reparation for the ongoing sin of abortion.
Protect all moms, dads, grandparents and friends
From the temptation of suggesting, recommending, or forcing abortion on anyone.
Through the example of Venerable Annie,
Enable us to serve the weakest among us
And to proclaim that in You, every life is called to flourish
Here on earth and forever in heaven.
We pray in the Name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life