Encourage Pastors to be more active in pro-life (2154) [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]
Evangelium Vitae (1211) [60 Sec]
Ezekiel, Seventh Chapter of (1735) [60 Sec]
Father's Day: 1002
Father Excluded in Law (2036)60 sec mp3
60 Sec Wav
Fatima, Feast Day May 13 (0203) [60 Sec]
Fetal Pain (1696) [60 Sec]
[30 Sec]
Freedom (1678) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
God has dominion over life (1765) [60 sec] [30 Sec]
God spoke to Moses (1589) [60 Sec] [30 sec]
Good Shepherd Project(2155) [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (229) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (242) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (250) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (252) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (254) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (259) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (265) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (275) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (329) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (335) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (336) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (505) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (506) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (654) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (656) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (662) [60 Sec]
Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (666) [60 Sec]
Holy Spirit, Is God (1619) [60 Sec]
Holy Spirit, Mighty Wind (1620) [60 Sec]
Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth (1622) [60 Sec]
Holy Spirit, Eternal Spirit (1623) [60 Sec]
Holy Trinity, Feast of (1482) [60 Sec]
2127. How Pro-Aborts Frame Their Message [
60 Sec mp3] [
60 Sec wav]
2153. In the Light of His Word Prayer Booklet [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]
Jail ( 1512) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
King, Dr. Alveda - Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1417) [60 Sec]
Late Term Abortion Project (2003) [60 Sec]
Lazarus (1738) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Lent - Lenten Prayer (1432) [60 Sec]
Lent - general (1438) [60 Sec]
Lent -
general (1442) [60 Sec]
Lent - general (1450) [60 Sec]
Letters of St. Paul (1588) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Letter to the Romans (1737) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Lie that economic reasons can be balanced against the value of a life [1498]
[30 Sec] [60 Sec]
Life is always good (1761) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Lord will not forsake us (1722) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Luke's Gospel (1744) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Magella, St. Gerard Novena (begins Oct 8) [60 Sec]
Mary is the example (1673) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Matthew's Gospel (1740) [60 Sec]
May, Month of Mary (0205) [60 Sec]
Meaning of Life (1762) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
My Heart Beats Just Like Yours (2156) [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]
Men can speak up! (1511) [60 Sec]
[30 Sec]
Our Father, The Part 1 (1515) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Our Father, The Part 2 (1516) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Our Father, The Part 3 (1518) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Our Father, The Part 4 (1520) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Our Father, The Part 5 (1524) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Our Father, The Part 5 (1525) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Our Father, The Part 7 (1526) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Our Father, The Part 8 (1527) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]
Our Father, The Part 9 (1531) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]