Pro-Life Radio Spots from Priests for Life

Attention Radio Stations!

You may download these radio quality mp3 pro-life spots (60 or 30 second). You have full permission to broadcast them to spread the pro-life message. The spots are alphabetized by subject matter. New spots will be added to this page on a regular basis. If you have any questions or special criteria for format, tag line etc, please contact Christa at And please let us know if you are playing our spots. The stations currently playing our spots are listed below.

Click here for Election Related Radio Spots

More pro-life radio spots by Frank Pavone

Posted January 2025
(Contact for any specific requests)

Spots from Dr Theresa Burke, founder Rachel's Vineyard

0140. Rachel's Vineyard Retreat [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

2129. Silent No More [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

2123. In Heart of His Mercy [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

2130. [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

2131. Victim Imagery [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

1783. Forbidden Grief [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

1784. Training Seminar [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

1907. Shockwaves [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

0184. abortion recovery & activism [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

1298. Living Scriptures [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

1439. From Post-Abortive Woman [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

1455. Divine Mercy [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

1482. Trinity and Unity [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

0715. Seminarian Training [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

0590. Seminarian Training [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

1251. Water and Bridges [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

0144. Abortion & Drug/alchohol abuse [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

0179. The Wood of the Cross [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

0571. Men and Abortion [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

Begin Alphabetical

Abortion Industry (1578) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Abortion workers who quit (1745) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Abortion not health care (1603) [60 Sec] {30 Sec]

Abortionists travel from State to State (1593) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Action Alerts (2004) [60 Sec]

African American Abortion Statistics (1628) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Ask, "Have you ever seen one?" (1698) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Beatitudes, The (1532) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Beatitudes, The (1533) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Beatitudes, The (1534) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Beatitudes, The (1536) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Beatitudes, The (1539) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Beatitudes, The (1538) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Beatitudes, The (1537) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Beatitudes, The (1550) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Beatitudes, The (1551) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Change hearts and laws (1513) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Commandment, 1st (1541) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Commandment, 2nd (1542) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Commandment, 3rd (1543) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Commandment, 4th (1544) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Commandment, 5th (1545) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Commandment, 6th (1546) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Commandment, 7th (1547) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Commandment, 8th (1548) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Commandment, 9th and 10th (1549) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Consistency and Inclusion (1699) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Consistent Ethic of Life (1604) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Corpus Christi, Feast of (1483) [60 Sec]

Cross is instrument for ending abortion, The (1672) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Deacons for Life (427) [60 Sec]

Death Penalty (2053) [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

Declaration on the Rights of the Child (1721) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

2321. Honoring Pro-Life Heroines for Women's History Month [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

2123. In the Heart of His Mercy Prayer book [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

2153. In the Light of His Word Prayer Book [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

2124. Late Term Abortion [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

2172. Stand True Youth Outreach [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]


Easter (1453) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Easter (1454) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Easter (1456) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Easter (1457) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Easter (1458) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Easter (1459) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Easter (1460) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Easter (1461) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Easter (1462) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Easter (1466) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Encourage Pastors to be more active in pro-life (2154) [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

Evangelium Vitae (1211) [60 Sec]

Ezekiel, Seventh Chapter of (1735) [60 Sec]

Father's Day: 1002

Father Excluded in Law (2036)60 sec mp3
60 Sec Wav

Fatima, Feast Day May 13 (0203) [60 Sec]

Fetal Pain (1696) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Freedom (1678) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

God has dominion over life (1765) [60 sec] [30 Sec]

God spoke to Moses (1589) [60 Sec] [30 sec]

Good Shepherd Project(2155) [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (229) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (242) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (250) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (252) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (254) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (259) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (265) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (275) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (329) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (335) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (336) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (505) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (506) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (654) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (656) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (662) [60 Sec]

Graphic Images, Testimony on the positive impact of (666) [60 Sec]

Holy Spirit, Is God (1619) [60 Sec]

Holy Spirit, Mighty Wind (1620) [60 Sec]

Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth (1622) [60 Sec]

Holy Spirit, Eternal Spirit (1623) [60 Sec]

Holy Trinity, Feast of (1482) [60 Sec]

2127. How Pro-Aborts Frame Their Message [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

2153. In the Light of His Word Prayer Booklet [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

Jail ( 1512) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

King, Dr. Alveda - Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1417) [60 Sec]

Late Term Abortion Project (2003) [60 Sec]

Lazarus (1738) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]


Lent - Lenten Prayer (1432) [60 Sec]

Lent - general (1438) [60 Sec]

Lent - general (1442) [60 Sec]

Lent - general (1450) [60 Sec]

Letters of St. Paul (1588) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Letter to the Romans (1737) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Lie that economic reasons can be balanced against the value of a life [1498] [30 Sec] [60 Sec]

Life is always good (1761) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Lord will not forsake us (1722) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Luke's Gospel (1744) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Magella, St. Gerard Novena (begins Oct 8) [60 Sec]

Mary is the example (1673) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Matthew's Gospel (1740) [60 Sec]

May, Month of Mary (0205)  [60 Sec]

Meaning of Life (1762) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

My Heart Beats Just Like Yours (2156) [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

Men can speak up! (1511) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Our Father, The Part 1 (1515) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Our Father, The Part 2 (1516) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Our Father, The Part 3 (1518) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Our Father, The Part 4 (1520) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Our Father, The Part 5 (1524) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Our Father, The Part 5 (1525) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Our Father, The Part 7 (1526) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Our Father, The Part 8 (1527) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Our Father, The Part 9 (1531) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Parish Project to Save Lives (2019) [60 Sec]

Partial Birth Abortion Ban (1223) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Pastors Speaking Up - 1 (1632) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Pastors Speaking Up - 2 (1633) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Pastors Speaking Up - 3 (1634) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Pastors Speaking Up - 3 (1636) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Pentecost (0988) - [60 Sec]

Prayer Booklet (2069) [60 Sec mp3] - [60 Sec wav]

Prayer Campaign to End Abortion, Ongoing (428) [60 Sec]

Priests for Life Pastoral Team will come to your church or event (2006) [60 Sec]

Priests for Life online broadcasting (2032) [60 Sec mp3] - [60 Sec wav]

Proclaiming the Message of Life (2040) [60 Sec mp3] - [60 Sec wav]

Pro-Life Movement is Winning: Youth (0973) [60 Sec]

Pro-Life Movement is Winning: Testimonies of Regret (0976) [60 Sec]

Pro-Life Movement is Winning: Medical Evidence (0977) [60 Sec]

Pro-Life Movement is Winning: Lack of Abortionists (1887) [60 Sec]

Pro-life petition required by Bishops at ever Mass  (648) [60 Sec]

Pro-Life work is a vocation [1497] [30 Sec] [60 Sec]

Psalm 130 (1736) [60 Sec]

Rabbi Yehuda Levin (1695) [60 Sec]  [30 Sec]

Rachel's Vineyard post-abortion retreats:
(220) [60 Sec]
2101: [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

Readiness to Sacrifice (1723) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Repentance (1595) - [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Rosary, Our Lady of the (Oct 7)  [60 Sec]

Schools, Catholic (1419) [60 Sec]

Scripture and the Sacredness of Human Life (1523)  [30 Sec] [60 Sec]

Seminarians for Life (425) [60 Sec]

Shockwaves, Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion

March Theme: Grandparents: 1905 - 1906 - 1907

April Theme: Healing Siblings: 1908 - 1909 - 1910

May Theme: Mothers: 1913 - 1914

June Theme: Fathers: 1915 - 1916 - 2036

August Theme: Former Abortion Workers [2009]

2123. December Theme: Healing Comes from our Savior [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

Shockwaves Book (2037) [60 Sec Mp3] - [60 Sec WAV]

Silent No More Awareness Campaign - The Power of Testimonies [1494] [30 Sec] [60 Sec]

Silent No More Awareness Campaign at the March for Life (1408) [60 Sec]

Silent No More Awareness Campaign - general information (169) [60 Sec]

Silent No More Awareness Campaign - get involved (1424) [60 Sec]

Silent No More Awareness Campaign and Queenship of Mary (Aug 22) (2042) [60 Sec mp3] - [60 Sec wav]

Speak up and say that abortion laws have no authority and speak up to save children (1388) [60 Sec]

Statistics (2048) [60 Sec mp3] - [60 Sec wav]

Stem Cell Research (1043) [60 Sec]

Supreme Court Nominees (1426) [60 Sec]

Survivors (1700) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Testimony, Post-Abortion (1439) [60 Sec]

Testimony, Post-Abortion (1443) [60 Sec]

Transfiguration (1755) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

United Nations Charter (1715) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1716) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Voting (1685) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Voting - 2 (1687) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Voting - 3 (1689) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Warn the sinner (1763) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

2024. Tears of the Fisherman book [60 Sec mp3] [60 Sec wav]

Youth in the pro-life movement 1 (1724) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]

Youth in the pro-life movement 2 (1725) [60 Sec] [30 Sec]


Advent speaks of two comings of Jesus (1384)  [60 Sec]

Advent focuses our minds on second coming (1386)  [60 Sec]

Advent is about Christ's coming (1390)  [60 Sec]

Christmas is God in Human Language (1392)  [60 Sec]

December 23 only (1400)  [60 Sec]

December 24 only (1401)  [60 Sec]

Christmas for which we are now preparing (1563)  [60 Sec]

CHRISTMAS: (can also play during advent unless specified below)

O Holy Night (1391) [60 Sec]

On the First Christmas (1396)  [60 Sec]

There was no room in the inn (1397)  [60 Sec]

Grown up Christmas List (1398)  [60 Sec]

At Midnight Mass we hear (1399)  [60 Sec]

Christmas means kindness, goodness (1405)  [60 Sec]

She laid him in a manger (1553)  [60 Sec]

Christmas Day only (1140)  [60 Sec]

December 26 (1404)  [60 Sec]

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: