SourceForm = Abortion Recovery Abortion - Pro Life - What Follows Abortion?

What Follows Abortion?

No action is more damaging than abortion. It kills a child and wounds everyone else in its reach. Yet there is a path to healing and wholeness after abortion.

This is an educational website to help you understand more deeply both the wounds and the healing that follow abortion. We will help you to find the research articles, interviews, statistics and explanations of the dynamics that follow abortion. Whether you are a student, professional counselor, member of the clergy, pro-life activist, or just someone seeking to learn more, you have come to the right place. Priests for Life is at the center of the pro-life movement as well as the movement for healing after abortion, and we will keep this site updated with the latest information.

Rachel's Vineyard

Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing. More on Rachel’s Vineyard

Silent No More Awareness

Silent No More Awarenessis a Campaign whereby Christians make the public aware of the devastation abortion brings to women and men. The campaign seeks to expose and heal the secrecy and silence surrounding the emotional and physical pain of abortion. More on Silent No More Awareness

More Resources and Helpful Information

International Institute for Reproductive Loss -
Alliance for Post-Aborion Research and Training -
Mount Joy College - Dr. Philip Ney -
Elliot Institute -
Men & Abortion Network: Reclaiming Fatherhood -
Center Against Forced Abortion -
Opionion Pieces on Healing in Various Publications

Seminars and Special Programming about Healing After Abortion


An Even Place, Healing After Abortion [Watch] - Guest: Mindy Lefaucheur, founder, An Even Place

Bring Abortion Recovery Program to your Church [Watch] - Guest: Sheila Harper, Save One

Fathers Losing Their Child to Abortion, how to heal [Watch] [Listen] - Guest: Brad Mattes, President, Life Issues Institute

Abortion Impacts, Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents and Future Siblings, learn how the family can find healing. [Watch] [Listen]
Guest: Kevin Burke, Co-Founder, Rachel’s Vineyard

Rachel’s Vineyard the Largest Abortion Recovery Program In The World, Learn more about it! [Watch] [Listen]
Guest: Kevin Burke, Co-Founder Rachel’s Vineyard and Kelly Dunn, Project Manager Rachel’s Vineyard

The Good Shepherd Seminar: Abortion Recovery Awareness Month with Frank Pavone, Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA and Kevin Burke

How Does Pregnancy Loss Affect Dads? with Janet Morana and Kevin Burke


Rachel's Vineyard 2022/2023 International Leadership Conference: Biblical Basis of Rachels Vineyard - Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone

Rachel's Vineyard 2022/2023 International Leadership Conference: Shockwaves of Abortion - Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone and Janet Morana

Rachel's Vineyard 2022/2023 International Leadership Conference: Silent No More Awareness Campaign, Pt 1 - Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone and Janet Morana

Rachel's Vineyard 2022/2023 International Leadership Conference: Silent No More Awareness Campaign, Pt 2 - Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone and Janet Morana

Dealing with a Pregnancy Loss During the Holidays with Janet Morana and Kevin Burke

Just ask Janet with Janet Morana and Guest:Serena Dyksen, Founder of She Found His Grace Abortion Recovery

Just ask Janet with Janet Morana and Georgette Forney, Abortion Recovery Month

Pro-life Leader Frank Pavone talks with Warren Williams, Founder of Fathers and Brothers Ministries regarding Fathers and abortion.

Watch seminars from 2022 and earlier

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