SourceForm = RoeVWade Roe vs. Wade

Roe vs. Wade

January 22, 2023 marks 50 years since the tragic Roe vs. Wade decision (and its companion case, Doe vs. Bolton), which together ushered in abortion on demand in our country. On June 24, 2022 the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade with the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case.

Our work is not finished. A victory in the Dobbs case is a “milestone victory” rather than a “final victory.” The Dobbs victory opens a new chapter where our lawmakers will be able to enact laws that will protect unborn babies and their families significantly more than the Courts have allowed so far. That provides the opportunity for our movement to work with our lawmakers pass such laws, which will actually go into effect, and work with public officials to enforce them.
And we must never forget the over 63 1/2 million children that have been killed by abortion since Roe v. Wade, with untold devastation brought upon their families and the nation.
This page will equip you to better understand the Dobbs decision. It will also explain the Roe decision, how it came about, how weak its legal, medical and historical rationale was, and how the Court has weakened it over the years, eventually leading to its reversal in the Dobbs case.  


SCOTUS overturns Roe v. Wade

TITUSVILLE, FL - Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, and Janet Morana, Executive Director, released the following statement today regarding the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade....Read More

The Roe v. Wade movie featuring Evangelist Alveda King

The Priests for Life team has helped create and promote the new Roe v. Wade movie, produced by Nick Loeb and featuring an all-star cast. Evangelist Alveda King is an Executive Producer. Janet Morana and Fr. Frank Pavone provided input to the production team. The film, released in April 2, 2021, shows people how the case came about, and how it was manipulated by the pro-abortion forces.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson

Learn more about Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who was an abortionist, and a key player in the strategy that led to Roe vs. Wade and launched the abortion industry in America. Pictured here with pro-life leader Joseph Scheidler, Dr. Nathanson eventually became pro-life, converted to Catholicism, and became a bioethicist. Fr. Frank Pavone and Janet Morana knew him and he strongly supported the work of Priests for Life..

A Priests for Life Interview with Dr. Bernard Nathanson

Norma McCorvey, Fr. Frank Pavone and Janet Morana

Who was Norma McCorvey? 

Pictured here with Fr. Frank Pavone and Janet Morana of Priests for Life, Norma McCorvey was a dear friend. She was also the petitioner in the Roe vs. Wade case. She eventually became pro-life, and Fr. Frank received her into the Catholic Church. As you learn about the Roe case, you’ll find out that Norma lied and was manipulated to bring it about, and that she spent the latter part of her life praying and working to reverse the Roe vs. Wade decision.

Articles related to Roe vs. Wade by Fr. Frank and Priests for Life

Fr. Frank Pavone: Roe vs. Wade - A New Form of Government [Audio] [Transcript]

Roe's Companion by Fr. Frank Pavone

We don’t know Roe by Fr. Frank Pavone: 

Roe can fall by Fr. Frank Pavone

Related Op-eds from the Priests for Life team

The Fake and Deceptive Science Behind Roe V. Wade: Settled Law? vs. Settled Science? by Thomas Hilgers, M.D.

Order the book and see a video about the science of the unborn child.

Janet Morana, Executive Director of Priests for Life, interviews Dr. Hilgers about his book on the Just Ask Janet show.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson, architect of the abortion industry, wrote three books that chronicle what he did to “uncage the abortion monster,” and then how he converted.

The Hand of God; Abortion America and The Abortion Papers


Subverted: How I helped the Sexual Revolution Hijack the Women’s Movement

After a nudge given by Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, Sue Ellen Browder decided she could make a key contribution to helping people understand the history of abortion in America by writing this book.

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