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Fr. Frank Pavone on EWTN
Many of you have written to us about how Fr. Frank's appearances on EWTN help you in the understanding of the Christian Faith and inspire you to live it more generously, especially in the arena of pro-life action.
You have also told us that you miss seeing Fr. Frank on the network recently. He is simply awaiting his bishop's permission to be back on the programs. Meanwhile, he continues his fulltime pro-life work and is getting the word out in countless ways as you can see on this website. Moreover, new
Defending Life
programs continue on EWTN, with various members of the Priests for Life team being featured on them.
Here, we have put links to some of the video and audio of Fr. Frank's teaching and preaching on EWTN.
Audio CDs of his EWTN homilies can also be ordered from our online store
Fr. Frank's current homilies for Sundays and Feast Days can be found at
More of Fr. Frank's homilies from all over the Country can be found at
Please spread these links to as many people as you can online, via email, and on social networking!
Audios Only
Videos Only
EWTN Mass September 13, 2011: What We Should Remember About Our Priests
EWTN Mass September 13, 2011: What We Should Remember About Our Priests
EWTN Mass September 12, 2011: For Whom Should I Vote?
EWTN Mass September 12, 2011: For Whom Should I Vote?
EWTN Mass September 11, 2011: Learning from September 11
EWTN Benediction and Devotion September 11, 2011
EWTN Mass September 11, 2011: Learning from September 11
EWTN Benediction and Devotion September 11, 2011
EWTN Mass September 10, 2011: Build on a Solid Foundation
EWTN Mass September 10, 2011: Build on a Solid Foundation
EWTN Mass September 9, 2011: Be a Slave to the Slaves
EWTN Mass September 6, 2011: All You Need is in Jesus Christ
EWTN Mass July 24, 2011
EWTN En Vivo Misa Diaria July 24, 2011
EWTN En Vivo Misa Diaria July 24, 2011
P. Frank Pav
EWTN En Vivo Misa Diaria July 23, 2011
EWTN En Vivo Misa Diaria July 23, 2011
EWTN Mass July 23, 2011
EWTN Mass April 16, 2011: Bringing God’s People to Unity
EWTN Mass April 15, 2011: Moving with Courage from Darkness to Praise
EWTN Mass April 14, 2011: Hope Gives Rise to Life
EWTN Mass April 13, 2011: The Truth Will Set You Free
EWTN Mass April 12, 2011: Strength for the Journey
EWTN Mass April 11, 2011: Let the Sinner Turn to Me and Live!
EWTN Mass April 10, 2011: Untie Him and Let Him Go Free!
EWTN Mass December 4, 2010: We Are People of the New Evangelization
EWTN Mass December 3, 2010: The Tyrant Will Be No More
EWTN Mass December 2, 2010: Building Peace by Welcoming the Savior
EWTN Mass September 17, 2010: I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body!
EWTN Mass Se
EWTN Mass September 16, 2010: Hold fast to the Gospel!
¡Agárrese de
EWTN Mass September 15, 2010: Our Lady of Sorrows
EWTN Mass September 15, 2010: Nuestra Señora de los Dolores
EWTN Mass September 14, 2010: Lift High the Cross!
EWTN Mass Se
EWTN Mass September 13, 2010: Proclaim the Death of the Lord Until He Comes!
EWTN Mass September 13, 2010: ¡Proclama la Muerte del Señor Hasta Que El Vuelva!
EWTN Mass September 13, 2010: ¡Proclama la Muerte del Señor Hasta Que El Vuelva!
EWTN Mass September 12, 2010: Come Back to the Lord!
EWTN Mass Se
EWTN Mass July 24, 2010
EWTN Mass July 23, 2010
EWTN Mass April 27, 2010: I am the Good Shepherd
EWTN Mass April 16, 2010: How Christ Transforms Pagan Politics
EWTN Mass April 15, 2010: The Name Above All Other Names
EWTN Mass April 14, 2010: God So Loved the World
EWTN Mass April 13, 2010: Proclaiming Christ and Serving Human Needs
EWTN Mass April 12, 2010: You Must be Born Again
EWTN Mass April 11, 2010: Divine Mercy and Divine Mission
EWTN Mass April 10, 2010: Obey God Rather than Men
EWTN Mass April 7, 2010: In the Breaking of the Bread
EWTN Mass April 6, 2010: He is Risen and is With Us!
EWTN Mass October 30, 2009: What is the Greatest Tragedy in Life?
EWTN Mass October 28, 2009: The Church: Apostolic and Dynamic
EWTN Mass October 27, 2009: The Power of Living by Hope
EWTN Mass October 26, 2009: Freedom in the Spirit
EWTN Mass October 25, 2009: Living as a Priestly People
EWTN Mass March 5, 2009: I'm Mad and I'm Not Going to Take it Anymore!
EWTN Mass March 3, 2009: We Dare to say "Our Father"
EWTN Mass March 2, 2009: Sins of Omission
EWTN Mass February 26, 2009: Choose Life
EWTN Mass February 24, 2009: Everyone Can Serve
EWTN Mass February 23, 2009: The Wisdom of God
EWTN Mass February 22, 2009: Behold I am Doing Something New
EWTN Mass October 31, 2008
EWTN Mass August 1, 2008
EWTN Mass July 30, 2008
EWTN Mass July 28, 2008: You are Beautiful
EWTN Benediction July 28, 2008
EWTN Mass July 14, 2008
EWTN Mass June 20, 2008
EWTN Mass September 14, 2007
EWTN Mass September 13, 2007
EWTN Mass September 11, 2007
EWTN Mass September 10, 2007
EWTN Mass March 28, 2007
EWTN Mass January 18, 2007: Christian Unity, Civil Rights and Abortion
EWTN Mass January 12, 2007: Let Us Enter Into His Rest
EWTN Mass January 11, 2007: The Sacred Obligation to Trust
EWTN Mass January 10, 2007: The Destruction of Embryos and the Triumph of Life
EWTN Mass January 9, 2007: Jesus' Authority Over the Devil
EWTN Mass January 8, 2007: Jesus' Baptism and Ours
EWTN Mass November 3, 2006
EWTN Mass September 15, 2006
EWTN Mass September 14, 2006
EWTN Mass July 16, 2006: Abortion, Mother Teresa and Graphic Images
EWTN Mass July 15, 2006: To Know Thee in Order to Love Thee
EWTN Mass July 14, 2006: Persecution from Church, Family and State
EWTN Mass July 13, 2006: Living Wills
EWTN Mass July 12, 2006: The Fruit of Piety
EWTN Mass July 11, 2006: Discernment and the Evangelical Counsels
EWTN Mass July 10, 2006: An Invitation to Those Far Away
EWTN Mass July 9, 2006: Prophets, Persecution and Tax Law
EWTN Mass May 15, 2006
EWTN Mass May 14, 2006
EWTN Mass May 13, 2006
EWTN Mass March 26, 2006: We are all Blind
EWTN Mass March 9, 2006: Day of Invitation to Abortion Providers
EWTN Mass December 14, 2005
EWTN Mass September 16, 2005
EWTN Mass September 15, 2005
EWTN Mass September 14, 2005
EWTN Mass September 13, 2005
EWTN Mass September 12, 2005
EWTN Mass September 11, 2005
EWTN Mass May 25, 2005
EWTN Mass February 24, 2005: Terri Schiavo
EWTN Mass August 28, 2004
EWTN Mass August 27, 2004
EWTN Mass August 26, 2004
EWTN Mass August 25, 2004
EWTN Mass August 24, 2004
EWTN Mass August 23, 2004
EWTN Mass August 22, 2004
EWTN Mass May 21, 2004: Do not Squelch the Spirit
EWTN Mass May 21, 2004: Do not Squelch the Spirit - Part 1
EWTN Mass May 21, 2004: Do not Squelch the Spirit - Part 2
EWTN Mass March 26, 2004
EWTN Mass March 25, 2004
EWTN Mass February 16, 2004
EWTN Mass November 12, 2003: Roe vs. Wade - A New Form of Government
EWTN Mass August 2, 2003
EWTN Mass August 1, 2003
EWTN Mass July 30, 2003
EWTN Mass July 29, 2003
EWTN Mass July 28, 2003
EWTN Mass July 27, 2003
EWTN Mass May 28, 2003
EWTN Mass March 24, 2003
EWTN Mass January 15, 2003
EWTN Mass December 20, 2002
EWTN Mass November 4, 2002: Elections
EWTN Mass October 25, 2002: Elections
EWTN Mass September 26, 2002: Political Loyalties
EWTN Mass August 16, 2002
EWTN Mass July 13, 2002: The Holiness of God
EWTN Mass July 12, 2002: Repentance and Forgiveness
EWTN Mass July 11, 2002: The Liturgy: The Center and Summit of the Church's Life
EWTN Mass July 10, 2002: The Consistent Ethic of Life: "Social Justice" and "Right to Life" Cannot be Separated
EWTN Mass July 9, 2002: Genetic Manipulation and the Dignity of Human Life: We Must Not Remain Silent!
EWTN Mass July 8, 2002: God is Our Husband, We are His Bride
EWTN Mass July 7, 2002: Jesus: The Fullness of God's Revelation
EWTN Mass June 19, 2002
EWTN Mass May 10, 2002
EWTN Mass April 8, 2002: The Annunciation
EWTN Mass February 23, 2002: Conscientious Objection
EWTN Mass February 22, 2002: Bloodguilt
EWTN Mass January 4, 2002
EWTN Mass November 27, 2001
EWTN Mass September 27, 2001: A Call to leave your profession and dedicate yourself to the Pro-Life Movement!
EWTN Mass July 14, 2001: Lessons from social reform: We do not have to be popular to be successful
EWTN Mass July 13, 2001: Promises of Christ – Persecution included! - Part 1
EWTN Mass July 13, 2001: Promises of Christ – Persecution included! - Part 2
EWTN Mass July 11. 2001: Religious life and the sacrament of marriage
EWTN Mass July 10, 2001: Religious vocations and how prayer leads to action
EWTN Mass July 9, 2001
EWTN Mass November 3, 2000
EWTN Mass August 11, 2000
EWTN Mass August 10, 2000
EWTN Mass August 9, 2000
EWTN Mass August 8, 2000
EWTN Mass May 5, 2000
EWTN Mass May 4, 2000
EWTN Mass May 3, 2000
EWTN Mass May 2, 2000
EWTN Mass November 2, 1998
EWTN Mass November 30, 1997
EWTN Mass November 29, 1997
EWTN Mass August 21, 1997
EWTN Mass August 20, 1997
Homily #3: August 1997 at EWTN
Homily #2: August 1997 at EWTN
Homily #1: August 1997 at EWTN
EWTN Mass February 24, 1997
EWTN Mass January 29, 1997
EWTN Mass January 29, 1997
EWTN Mass January 28, 1997
anuary 1, 1997 at EWTN
July 30, 1996 at EWTN
July 29, 1996 at EWTN
EWTN Mass June 26, 1996
EWTN Mass June 25, 1996
EWTN Mass March 29, 1996
EWTN Mass March 28, 1996
EWTN Mass March 27, 1996
EWTN Mass March 26, 1996
EWTN Mass January 16, 1995
EWTN Mass January 15, 1995
EWTN Mass January 14, 1995: Martin Luther King, Jr
EWTN Mass January 13, 1995: Wedding Feast at Cana
EWTN Mass January 12, 1995: Confession
EWTN Mass January 11, 1995: The Lure of Sin
EWTN Mass January 10, 1995: The Devil
EWTN Mass March 6, 1994