Celebrant: With the hope that comes from the death and resurrection of Jesus, we offer our prayers to our heavenly Father.
That the members of the Church may grow in faith and live more fully in God’s love, we pray to the Lord…
That our government leaders may be blessed with the strength and wisdom they need to carry out their public service, we pray to the Lord…
That as Jesus laid down His life for us, so we may find strength to sacrifice ourselves for others, especially the poor, the weak, the unborn, and the unwanted, we pray to the Lord...
That those who suffer from the effects of war and natural disasters may be relieved of their suffering, we pray to the Lord…
That all those preparing for baptism may experience the joyful welcome of the Christian community this Easter, we pray to the Lord…
That all who have died may rest from their labors in God’s loving care, we pray to the Lord…
Almighty God, answer our prayers,
and grant that we may live more fully in your love each day.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.