Celebrant: We are called to be witnesses of the truth of Jesus’ Resurrection. Let us pray for the needs of the world to which we proclaim that truth.
That the Church may continue to bear joyful witness before the world that Jesus is Risen and that sin and death are conquered, we pray to the Lord...
That those who have never come to faith or who have lost their faith may be consecrated once again in the truth of God’s word, we pray to the Lord...
That those who work in the communications media may be committed to serving the truth and conveying the authentic meaning of love, we pray to the Lord...
That all mothers may experience the profound joy and gratitude of being vessels of life and of faith for their children, we pray to the Lord...
That the Holy Spirit, who gives Life, may breathe over our nation and create a new Culture of Life that welcomes the stranger, feeds the poor, and cherishes every child, born and unborn, we pray to the Lord...
That all who have died, especially those who gave their lives in service to our country, may be filled with the joy of eternal life, we pray to the Lord...
God of power and might, we await the renewed presence of your Holy Spirit. By his power, may we witness before all the world to your goodness to us, as you meet our every need. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.