Celebrant: As brothers and sisters in faith, we gather our prayers and petitions and offer them to our generous God.
That our Holy Father and all who are entrusted with teaching God’s Word may be blessed with wisdom and courage, we pray to the Lord...
That the leaders of the world who have the task of governing may carry out their duties with justice and maintain peace among nations, we pray to the Lord...
That nations may repent of the sins of abortion, euthanasia, and neglect of the poor and weak, and may reform their laws to protect every human life, we pray to the Lord...
That Christians may join together across denominational lines to help the hungry and homeless, we pray to the Lord...
That those who have died may enjoy the peace of God’s kingdom, and that those who grieve for them may be comforted, we pray to the Lord...
Celebrant: Father, send your spirit upon us and strengthen our faith. As you answer our prayers, grant that we may grow in your grace. We ask this though Christ our Lord.