Celebrant: Let us turn to God who gives us bread from heaven and knows all our needs. In faith, we present to him our prayers.
That the Church may be a constant and steadfast sign of God's kingdom in the world, we pray to the Lord...
That Church leaders may lead us to a closer union with Jesus by their word and example, we pray to the Lord...
That governments will exercise their authority and power for the common good of all, we pray to the Lord...
That Christ, who multiplied the loaves, may fill us with active compassion for those whose rights to food, work, and life itself are threatened, we pray to the Lord...
That those who suffer from loneliness or alienation may take comfort in Jesus, who lovingly draws near to all who seek him, we pray to the Lord...
That the suffering and the dying may be strengthened by the love of Jesus and the promise of eternal life, we pray to the Lord...
Father of all that is good, we give you thanks. Hear and answer the prayers we have offered, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.