Third Sunday of Easter - Year A

En español

General Intercessions

[English PDF]

Celebrant: Like the disciples at Emmaus, we have heard the Lord. Now we entrust our needs to Him with deep confidence.


For all who do not know the name of Jesus, that together with us, they may come to know Him in the breaking of the Bread, we pray to the Lord...

For all who have been baptized and received into the Church this Easter, that they may grow in holiness and joy, we pray to the Lord...

That all Christians who hold and seek public office may never be ashamed of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray to the Lord...

That as we recognize Jesus in the breaking of the Bread, we may also see Him in the poor, the sick, the marginalized, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord...

For all in the Church who are preparing for ordination as deacons and priests this Spring, that they be given the gift of fidelity to their sacred duties, we pray to the Lord...

That the sick and suffering may be healed and the faithful departed may be granted peace and rest in Christ, we pray to the Lord...


Our hearts are burning within us,
For we have heard your Word.
Prepare us now to offer this sacrifice
And to receive the Bread of Life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Bulletin Insert

“The toleration and promotion of abortion, socially and legally, has clouded individual consciences and made it difficult for many to distinguish between good and evil, even when what is at stake is the fundamental right to life.  If we reject the value and dignity of human life, our culture becomes more and more based on a lie and its structures cannot long endure.” (Bishop Michael W. Warfel)

Homily Suggestions

Acts 2:14, 22-33
1 Pt 1:17-21
Lk 24:13-35 

Click here for a video with homily hints   

“You will show me the path to life.” This line from today’s responsorial psalm sums up the message of this liturgy and of the Easter season. Christ Jesus, risen from the dead, fills his people with the same life, and this becomes a path, a way of life. Hence, Peter can say in the second reading, “You were ransomed from your futile conduct.” 

The journey of the disciples on the road to Emmaus, of course, symbolizes this “path of life” and the new way in which we are called to walk. Along this way, and amidst the challenges of life, we can be tempted, as they were, to “look downcast” and simply discuss how “we were hoping” that things would be better. By giving death more credit than it deserves, we can fail to recognize that Jesus is walking with us through the most difficult hours. 

This is especially true in a “culture of death,” when those most difficult hours can tempt people to resort to abortion or euthanasia. Christ, risen from the dead, walks with us and dines with us. He rescues us from the “futile conduct” of turning to death as a solution to our problems, because now, the kingdom of death has been conquered. Embracing life-giving repentance, we are now filled with the Holy Spirit, whom the risen Christ sends upon us, as the first reading declares. That Spirit not only purifies us, but enables us to announce the Gospel of Life and to become advocates for all our brothers and sisters, just as the Holy Spirit is an advocate for us.

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