Celebrant: We embrace the gentle yoke of the Lord Jesus, and as we serve Him, we bring our prayers to the Father through Him.
That the Church and her leaders may effectively call all who are burdened to come to Christ, in whom they will find true rest, we pray to the Lord...
For all who have are ill, and for all who care for them, that they may experience the healing mercy of the Lord, we pray to the Lord…
For all who find life burdensome because of a pregnancy they feel they cannot handle, that they embrace Christ and know His strength, we pray to the Lord…
For all who are facing difficult decisions, that the Holy Spirit may give them wisdom and courage, we pray to the Lord...
That the sick may be consoled and healed according to God's will, we pray to the Lord...
That the Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead may purify our departed brothers and sisters of all their sins, we pray to the Lord...
As you answer our prayers,
Grant that we may always reject evil
And live with the peace that comes
From following your Word.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.