Celebrant: Our heavenly Father knows our many needs. In faith, we come before Him and humbly ask that he grant our prayers.
For the Church, that she may continue to guide the people of God in truth and holiness, we pray to the Lord…
For those who have responded to God’s call to spread the Good News through missionary activity around the world, we pray to the Lord…
That God, who hears the cry of all who are injured and vulnerable, may open our ears to that same cry and enable us to build a Culture of Life, we pray to the Lord...
For the youth of the world, as they search for the living God, that they may grow in faith and be living witnesses to the power of the risen Christ, we pray to the Lord…
For the intentions we hold silently in our hearts, in union with Mary, the Mother of God and all the saints, we pray the Lord…
For all who have died, that they share the banquet of eternal life, we pray to the Lord…
Lord, we rejoice in your presence
And we ask your mercy.
Hear our prayers
And keep us faithful to your Word.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.