Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

En español

General Intercessions

[English PDF]

Celebrant: God is always attentive to the humble and contrite. Despite our sins, therefore, we pray to Him with confidence.


That the Pope and all bishops and priests may preach effectively the message of repentance and mercy, we pray to the Lord...

That our nation and our world may be freed from the threat of terrorism, and that the memory of past acts of violence may renew our resolve to defend freedom and peace, we pray to the Lord…

That all who are preparing for marriage may take the time and effort needed to know each other well and to respond generously to God’s call to raise a family, we pray to the Lord…

That all who feel far away from God and the Church may find their way back, as did the Prodigal Son, through the prayers and example of each of us, we pray to the Lord...

That the poor, the sick, the lonely, and the dying may be comforted and helped by the Christian community, we pray to the Lord...

That all who have died may have eternal rest and peace, we pray to the Lord...


We are all your Prodigal children,
Aware of our guilt,
But grateful for your mercy.
Hear our prayers, 
And answer them in your love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Bulletin Insert

Bishop Vasa on Abortion

“There are just choices and there are unjust choices. Choices would be the preference for chocolate ice cream over vanilla ice cream or sherbet instead of ice cream. That is just a choice. A just choice would be to choose to pay a fair and living wage to employees as opposed to simply meeting the mandatory standard of minimum wage laws. An unjust choice would be to choose to terminate the life of another human being. This is not just a choice and it is not a just choice; it is an unjust choice. Furthermore it is an unjust choice which is diametrically opposed to the clear and consistent teaching of the Catholic Church as well as to the clear and consistent teaching of God Himself in the Ten Commandments. The direct, intentional taking of the life of an innocent human being is inhumane and unjust. It is not just a choice!”

Bishop Robert Vasa, March 1, 2007  

Homily Suggestions

Ex 32:7-11, 13-14
1 Tm 1:12-17
Lk 15:1-32 or 15:1-10

Watch a video with homily hints

The readings for this Sunday all proclaim the power and depth of God’s mercy. The Gospel presents three analogies for the merciful behavior of God the Father; the first reading shows an example of that mercy toward an entire people; the second reading shows an example of it toward an individual. 

This is an opportunity to point out that the Gospel of Life is a Gospel of Mercy. Mercy actually begins with God’s choice to create us. We did not ask for or earn our lives, yet God decided to be merciful and give us what we didn’t (and can never) deserve. He mercifully rescued us from the nothingness in which we once were, and brought us into being. Mercy always welcomes life; the destruction of life is a direct contradiction of mercy.

This weekend is an excellent opportunity to proclaim the mercy of God even in the face of the ongoing abortion tragedy. The Silent No More Awareness Campaign (, a joint project of Priests for Life and Anglicans for Life, is essentially a proclamation of mercy. Women and men who have aborted their children find the healing of Christ and then proclaim his mercy publicly – in gatherings, in pulpits, in legislatures, in the media. Some of the testimonies of these men and women can be read, heard, and viewed on the website, and many of these individuals would be available to share their testimony from the pulpit if invited to give, for example, a brief sharing after Communion. Some may even be available for this particular weekend. Simply inquire with the campaign at the website. 

Preaching on this theme also gives us the important opportunity to warn against presumption, and to distinguish mercy from permission. Neither God’s people of old, nor Paul, nor the Prodigal Son were ever given permission to commit evil, whether before or after they were forgiven. The proclamation of the greatness of God’s mercy is meaningful only because the evil of sin is great. Were sin trivial, then mercy would be meaningless. Some will say, when faced with the temptation to abort (or to commit any other sin), “Well, God is merciful – he’ll understand.” What he understands is that sin destroys us, and that grace can keep us from sin in the first place. The promise of his mercy should never be hijacked and made into an occasion of sin. Mercy follows upon repentance; it does not replace it. 

Priests for Life
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