Celebrant: As we approach the celebration of the birth of our Savior, let us turn our hearts and minds to the Father, with confidence in his generous love and mercy:
That the Church will faithfully proclaim the Word of God to every part of the world, we pray to the Lord…
That Government leaders will be responsive to the needs of their people, especially families with young children, we pray to the Lord…
That all who are pregnant and afraid may welcome the life within them, and draw strength from the angel Gabriel's words to Mary: Do not fear, we pray to the Lord...
That the poor, the lonely, and the neglected will experience God’s love during this joyful season through the kindness of others, we pray to the Lord…
That all who are busy making preparations to celebrate Christmas will take time to reflect on God’s love for them, we pray to the Lord…
For those who have died, that as they shared our Christmas joy on earth, they may come to enjoy eternal glory in God’s kingdom, we pray to the Lord…
Almighty God,
prepare our hearts with your grace,
that like Mary, we may be a worthy dwelling place for your Son.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.