Celebrant: Jesus is Risen from the dead, and leads his flock to eternal blessings. With new trust, we now bring our needs to the Father through him.
That Church and government leaders alike may continuously learn from the Good Shepherd, who is ready to give his life for the sheep, we pray to the Lord...
That many young men may hear and respond to God's call to serve Him as priests and deacons, we pray to the Lord...
That the Lord will hold in his hand, and shower with his care, all mothers, living and deceased, we pray to the Lord...
For an increase in vocations to the religious life, and for God's blessing on all who are consecrated to his service in religious communities, we pray to the Lord...
That Jesus, the Good Shepherd from whose hand none can be snatched away, may protect all children in danger of being aborted, we pray to the Lord...
For the poor and homeless, for those who suffer discrimination and rejection, and for all who are ill, we pray to the Lord...
That those who have died may be led by the Good Shepherd to the waters of eternal life, we pray to the Lord...
you call each of us to serve you
with faithfulness and joy.
Hear our prayers,
and bring us to the joy that never ends.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.