Fourth Sunday of Easter - Year C

En español

General Intercessions

[English PDF]

Celebrant: Jesus is Risen from the dead, and leads his flock to eternal blessings. With new trust, we now bring our needs to the Father through him. 


That Church and government leaders alike may continuously learn from the Good Shepherd, who is ready to give his life for the sheep, we pray to the Lord... 

That many young men may hear and respond to God's call to serve Him as priests and deacons, we pray to the Lord... 

That the Lord will hold in his hand, and shower with his care, all mothers, living and deceased, we pray to the Lord...

For an increase in vocations to the religious life, and for God's blessing on all who are consecrated to his service in religious communities, we pray to the Lord...

That Jesus, the Good Shepherd from whose hand none can be snatched away, may protect all children in danger of being aborted, we pray to the Lord... 

For the poor and homeless, for those who suffer discrimination and rejection, and for all who are ill, we pray to the Lord... 

That those who have died may be led by the Good Shepherd to the waters of eternal life, we pray to the Lord...


you call each of us to serve you
with faithfulness and joy.
Hear our prayers,
and bring us to the joy that never ends.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Bulletin Insert

The People of Life

It is wondrous enough that someone rose from the dead by his own power. But the Lord Jesus, in rising from the dead, does not just conquer his death; he conquers ours. He overturns the entire kingdom of death. The entire ministry of the Church is focused on bringing us – and all humanity – the eternal life that flows from Christ and his Resurrection. This is the sense in which he is the Good Shepherd. Not only does he keep us from danger in this life; he shepherds us through death itself to the life that knows no end.

Homily Suggestions

Acts 13:14, 43-52
Rv 7:9, 14b-17
Jn 10:27-30

Watch a video with homily hints

The first and second readings today illumine the meaning of Jesus’ title “Good Shepherd,” and the meaning of his assertion in the Gospel that he knows his sheep and they follow him. This does not simply refer to following his teachings in this life. The Good Shepherd, who died for the sheep, shepherds them through death and beyond its grasp to the life that conquers all death. “I know them,” he says. He knows our life and the pain of our death. “They follow me,” he says. We follow him to the exalted glory of a life, in our human body and soul, that will be freed from the corruption of sin and death, and indeed that will include our own resurrection from the dead. 

The first reading speaks about the proclamation of this gift, and the way in which people both accept and reject it. The second reading shows the end result of this gift – a multitude from every nation, risen from the dead, gathered around the throne and the Lamb, sharing his life forever. 

God is not indifferent to the power of death over his people. “No one can take them out of my hand.” He vigorously defends us against the power of death. As the people who have accepted his life and who follow him, we too defend our brothers and sisters from the grip of death. The proclamation in today’s readings is the very foundation of the culture of life and the pro-life movement.

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