Celebrant: God knew us, and our needs, before we were born. We therefore pray with great confidence.
That those appointed in the Church to proclaim God's Word may find open hearts and minds among those who hear them, we pray to the Lord...
That government leaders may have the gifts of faith, hope, and love, to acknowledge God and be of true service to those they govern, we pray to the Lord...
That God, who knows and loves us even from the womb, may inspire and sustain our work to eliminate abortion and the conditions that lead to it, we pray to the Lord...
That our youth may learn the ways of God and become faithful disciples of Christ, and that our Catholic schools may be ever more effective in that mission, we pray to the Lord...
That the sick may grow in faith and in health, we pray to the Lord...
That those who have died may be welcomed into the joys of eternal life, we pray to the Lord...
As you answer our prayers,
Give us the faith and hope we need in this life,
And above all let us grow in your love which lasts forever.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.