Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

En español

General Intercessions

[English PDF]

Celebrant: We trust in the Lord above any other source of help or hope. Because he alone knows our deepest needs and is able to meet them, we now turn to him with confidence.


That as the Church proclaims Christ Risen from the dead, all the people of the world may find new hope in the Gospel, we pray to the Lord...

That Christ's love for the poor, the hungry, and the sorrowful may inspire his disciples in their global efforts to care for every human need, we pray to the Lord...

That God may give joy to those who are persecuted for fighting abortion, euthanasia, war, and capital punishment, we pray to the Lord…

That those who are called to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life may hear that call clearly and respond to it generously, we pray to the Lord...

That all who have died may be purified of sin and share in the resurrection, we pray to the Lord...


you bless those who are in distress
and reward those who trust in you.
As you answer our prayers,
keep us faithful in your service.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Bulletin Insert

On December 10, 2024, Most Rev. Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone released a statement in response to Rep. Nancy Pelosi. An excerpt follows.

First and foremost, I would like to renew my request for prayers for the Speaker’s conversion on the issue of human life in the womb, that it be consistent with the respect for human dignity she displays in so many other contexts.  …  I therefore earnestly repeat once again my plea to Speaker Pelosi to allow this kind of dialogue to happen.  I ask this not only to dialogue in areas of disagreement, such as if and when it can ever be morally permissible to kill innocent human life, but also in other critical areas where our views on behalf of human life and dignity are aligned, especially threats to religious liberty internationally and the plight of immigrants domestically.  This should not be a problem, as Catholics are not afraid of the truth.” -  (Statement by Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone, December 2024)


Homily Suggestions

Jer 17:5-8
1 Cor 15:12, 16-20
Lk 6:17, 20-26

Watch and share this video with homily hints

Abortion is not only a sin against life; it is a sin against hope. We trust our own (or others’) evaluation of the problems in our lives and in the world, and decide that the world is too inhospitable for a child to be welcomed into it. The first reading, therefore, with its exhortation to hope in the Lord, speaks right to the heart of the culture of life. The pro-life movement is focused on inspiring the hope that brings the courage to say yes to life. 

This hope is based ultimately in what the second reading identifies as the foundation of our faith: Christ is indeed raised from the dead. The evils we fight, like abortion, are ultimately defeated already at their root, because the kingdom of death has already been overturned.

These truths of the first and second readings provide the basis for the beatitudes, each of which can be applied to the pro-life witness of the Church:

“Blessed are you poor.” Biblically, the “poor” are those who have no help but God. The “poor” are not simply the materially disadvantaged, but rather those who are marginalized by society. The children living in the womb are truly the poorest of the poor, and the Church’s preferential option for the poor requires that we give them priority attention. These children are the only group of people in our society whose very right to life is formally and explicitly denied by public policy.

“Blessed are you who are now hungry.” We are hungry for justice to be established; the unborn are hungry for their most basic rights to be recognized.

“Blessed are you who weep.” If we are to be builders of the culture of life, we must first learn to weep over the culture of death. The evil of abortion must break our hearts. Only then are our hearts opened to receive the grace and strength to witness and battle against this evil.

 “Blessed are you when people hate you.” Defenders of the unborn are hated by many in the world today, who see them as a threat to human rights, as enemies of women’s rights and health, as opponents of freedom itself. Few movements can give one as direct an experience of this particular beatitude than the pro-life movement – which is precisely why it is a blessing to be involved in it.

Priests for Life
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