Pro-Life Preaching

General Comments on Preaching about Abortion

As National Director of Priests for Life, I have preached or spoken about abortion every day since 1993. I can summarize the reaction I receive from people in two words: "Thank you!" People are grateful to hear the truth. General Guidance and Resources for Pro-life Preaching

Proclaiming the Message of Life: Reflections from the Lectionary

In Proclaiming the Message of Life, Fr. Frank Pavone systematically guides clergy through the pro-life themes found in the Sunday readings of all three cycles of the lectionary. He also provides a clear message to all those who are passionate about supporting life at every phase. Drawing from God's Word, he gives rich spiritual sustenance to energize, motivate and encourage you to proclaim the message of life without fear.  Published by Servant Books (an imprint of Franciscan Media). Read the book launch press releaseOrder your copy here.

Addressing Abortion With Confidence

Based on our extensive contact with priests through our seminars and individual consultations, and informed by the professional survey of priests, we offer the following reflections on some of the most common fears and hesitations that clergy have about addressing abortion. We hope these reflections will renew your confidence in addressing this most pressing moral problem. Addressing Abortion With Confidence
Ecumenical Version

Preaching on abortion youtube videos from Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone

Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life introduces a series of videos about preaching on the abortion issue and its many aspects. Preaching Pro-Life Videos

Liturgical Resources for Each Sunday

Each week, Priests for Life provides an email service to clergy. Resources for each Sunday of the Liturgical Cycle!

Preaching on Abortion: A New Overview

There is a lot of pain in our midst…pain regarding the tragedy of abortion. We as priests share in that pain. We are also called to address it. Dealing with it is an essential aspect of our call to serve the needs of our people. Preaching on Abortion

The Consistent Ethic of Life

The position of Priests for Life in regard to the "Consistent Ethic of Life" is twofold: 1) properly understood, it is a valid and valuable principle, and 2) it has been misunderstood both by some who are active in the pro-life movement and by others. The Consistent Ethic of Life

Basic Elements of Pro-life Preaching

Three Elements of a Pro-Life Homily

Audio by Fr. Frank Pavone [Part 1] and [Part 2]

Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone's resources for liturgical seasons and election season
Observe Respect Life Sunday!

As many parishes observe Respect Life Sunday and other special pro-life celebrations in the month of October, Priests for Life is pleased to make a number of liturgical resources and suggested action items available. Observing Respect Life Sunday

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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