"It wasn't until 2013, when I went to a Rachel's Vineyard retreat, that I had a major breakthrough. That is where I learned that God had completely forgiven me, and I chose to forgive myself. I had held myself hostage for over 30 years because of that horrible decision I made at 17."
"Since the funeral I have felt free to talk openly about being a second generation abortion survivor, but I didn’t make a big thing of it—not until I realised that there were other abortion survivors around the world."
"Unfortunately, abortion is presented as a solution to women like my mother, to spare their children from suffering. And what I hear when I hear that is the following question: Wouldn’t you rather have died than to have your difficult upbringing? And the answer I say again and again, without hesitation, is 'no'." Sarah's 2019 March for Life testimony
"I also want to encourage post abortion women toward the Lord, where they can know forgiveness, healing, mercy, and Love. I have been there too and am so very thankful that Jesus took away the shame, regret, and self-hatred and replaced all that with His wonderful Love."
"I was well aware of how precious life is and had always felt that even
in cases of rape that every life deserves a chance at life! I just had no
idea how personally I would be impacted by abortion or that I would be
faced with the choice to have to choose either life or death under the
most gravest and unthinkable circumstances!"
When my 19 year old, biological mother entered the hospital for the abortion attempt in August of 1977, she estimated herself to be 18 to 22 weeks pregnant. Medical review of my birth records indicate that she was likely closer to 24 to 28 weeks pregnant.
Carrie's mother tried to abort her, but Carrie survived. Together they have found healing and forgiveness and they want to help others find the same hope and healing.
A woman reported telling her nine year old son about her abortion, which had taken place years before he was born. He said, 'I knew, Mom, that there was something wrong. I always have nightmares about knives and my mother killing me. I have an imaginary brother who wants to kill me. If you had not aborted the other, would you have aborted me?'
Dr. Philip Ney has done extensive research into the effects of abortion, not only on those who obtain them but on surviving children and on the impact abortion has on our entire society.
When I was eight, I was snooping around my mom’s Bible while she wasn’t home and found four pieces of paper that were folded up and stuffed between the pages. I unfolded them and read the first sentence: "I was sixteen years old when I became pregnant with Elizabeth and I had no idea what to do." Not knowing what I had just found, I quickly shoved the papers back into the Bible and tried to forget about it.
Later, she still felt pregnant. The doctor said that I was probably a tumor or an ulcer. And the first part of September, I kicked her!