News Related to the Priests for Life Lawsuit Against the HHS Mandate

On this page you will find news stories, press releases and more about our lawsuit. 

See news from past years: 2012 - 2013 - 2014- 2015

Priests for Life Media Coverage

Zubik vs. Burwell

August 12, 2017: The HHS contraception mandate is hurting our religious beliefs (Fr. Frank Pavone and Evangelist Alveda King, The Hill)

August 11, 2016: Here’s What You Can Do To Keep Government From Crushing Religious Charities

June 29, 2016: Abortion Advocates, the Supreme Court, and Reasonableness

June 22, 2016: Washington Examiner: An unconscionable mandate

June 14, 2016: The Daily Caller: Bacon, Blood, And Freedom

June 5, 2016: Wall Street Journal: Waiting For Obama On Religious Liberty

May 20, 2016: National Catholic Register: The HHS Mandate Has Brought Together a Diverse Group of Opponents

May 17, 2016: USA Today: Justices order Obamacare to respect religious liberty: Column

Catholic News Service: U.S. Supreme Court sends Zubik case back to lower courts

May 16, 2016: World Net Daily: Supreme Court takes action on Obama's birth-control mandate

Bloomberg News: Obamacare Contraceptive Case Produces Supreme Court Compromise

May 13, 2016: The Elections, The Supreme Court, and Priests for Life vs. HHS

April 13, 2016: Not So Compelling After All, Obama Administration and Religious Freedom

April 12, 2016: A Less Restrictive Means: Priests for Life and others respond to Supreme Court in Zubik vs. Burwell

April 11, 2016: Brief in Zubik v. Burwell Finds ObamaCare HHS Mandate ‘Bizarre and Unprecedented’

March 24, 2016: National Catholic Register: Supreme Court Justices: Will the Government ‘Hijack’ Little Sisters’ Health Plan?

March 23, 2016

Reuters: Birth Control, Religious Freedom Battle Returns to Supreme Court

Catholic News Service: Ultimate relief from mandate may lie beyond the courts, say plaintiffs

Breitbart News: Priests for Life Father Frank Pavone defends faith at SCOTUS

Conservative Review: Obama’s Totalitarian ‘Opt Out’ Clause

Washington Times: The failure to pass the RFRA test: a view from inside the Supreme Court

Charisma News: Religious Freedom Case Going Before 8-Member Supreme Court

Cosmopolitan Magazine: This Supreme Court Case Could Affect Your Access to Birth Control in a Big Way

LifeSite News: Supreme Court upholding HHS mandate would be ‘unprecedented’ attack on faith: Priests for Life

LifeSite News: SCOTUS justices grill Obama admin: Why are you ‘hijacking’ nuns’ health plan to offer contraceptives?

The Blaze: Protestors Chant Outside the Supreme Court During Oral Arguments in the Little Sisters of the Poor Case

Catholic News Service: Obamacare Contraceptive, Abortion Coverage Mandate to Employers Requires 'Cooperation with Evil'

Christian Broadcasting Network: Little Sisters vs. Obamacare: High Court Takes Up Pivotal Religious Liberty Case

Newsmax TV: Interview with Father Frank Pavone

C-Span: Interview with Father Frank Pavone

Associated Press: Video statement from Father Frank Pavone

March 22, 2016:

The Blaze: Burwell Petitioners Hold Prayer Vigil Outside Supreme Court Night before Their Case

Breitbart News: Issue of religious liberty reaches Supreme Court once again

New York Post: Follow the law, or follow your faith: Obama’s outrageous order

Fox News: Priests for Life vs. HHS at Supreme Court: Myths and Facts about Our Objections to the HHS Mandate

Zenit: Forum: The Supreme Court and the Passion of the Christ

WorldNet Daily: Nuns seek relief from Obamacare mandate

March 21, 2016

Daily Caller: What Eagle Feathers Have to do with the HHS Mandate and religious liberty

Breitbart News: The Many Faces of Opposition to Obamacare’s HHS Mandate

March 17, 2016: Washington Post: Merrick Garland’s record on religious freedom cases, including the contraception case now before the Supreme Court

March 14, 2016

Crisis Magazine: The Upcoming Court Battle Over the HHS Mandate

Cardinal Newman Society: Catholics Join in Prayer, Fasting Before Supreme Court Review of HHS Mandate Cases

March 4, 2016: National Catholic Register: Are Some Priests More Catholic Than Others? The Government Seems to Think So

February 19, 2016: Religion News Service: Why Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate Hurts Minority Religions

February 17, 2016: Cyber News Service: Priests for Life Challenges Obama Admin’s Conscience Violating HHS Mandate in Supreme Court

November 18, 2015: Fox News: Priests for Life vs. Obamacare: Courts should judge laws, not religious beliefs

Press Releases

October 25, 2017: Fr. Frank Pavone Hails Landmark Settlement of Five-Year Legal Struggle against HHS Mandate

June 1, 2017: Fr. Pavone Hails Announcement that Trump Administration Is Rewriting HHS Mandate

May 4, 2017: Priests for Life praises executive order that addresses battle against HHS mandate..

December 1, 2016: Priests for Life Asks Court to Wait Until After Inauguration for Action on HHS Mandate Case

July 22, 2016: Fr. Frank Pavone calls for public support for Priests for Life vs. HHS and defense of religious liberty

May 27, 2016: Priests for Life Proposes Next Step in HHS Mandate Case

May 24, 2016: Fr. Pavone: You don’t have to be religious to oppose the HHS mandate

May 18, 2016: Fr. Pavone thanks diverse religious groups that support Priests for Life, other Supreme Court petitioners in religious liberty battle

May 17, 2016: Priests for Life vs. HHS to Return to Judge Merrick Garland

May 16, 2016: Breaking News: SCOTUS Issues Opinion in Cases Challenging HHS Mandate

May 16, 2016: Supreme Court Order in Priests for Life vs. HHS (Part of Zubik vs. Burwell).. Further Comments from Priests for Life

April 13: Fr. Frank Pavone to Cecile Richards: No Hypocrisy, Just Freedom

April 13, 2016: Priests for Life petitioners comment on HHS case

April 11, 2016: Priests for Life tells Court: Yes, there is a Less Restrictive Means

March 29, 2016: Priests for Life Leading Educational Activities re Zubik vs. Burwell

March 29, 2016: Fr. Pavone sees new SCOTUS order as a positive development

March  23, 2016: Zubik vs. Burwell Supreme Court Case Challenging HHS Mandate

March 21, 2016: Priests for Life Plaintiffs in Supreme Court Religious Freedom case Zubik vs. Burwell available for interviews

March 18, 2016: Religious Liberty Matters

March 16, 2016: Fr. Frank Pavone Thanks Friends of the Court in Priests for Life Supreme Court Case

March 15, 2016: Priests for Life Attorneys Reply to Government Brief in U.S. Supreme Court

March 14, 2016: Alveda King calls on African-American clergy to stand with Priests for Life at Supreme Court

February 11, 2016: Fr. Pavone on Obama Administration's Opposition Brief in Supreme Court Case

February 10, 2016: Priests for Life launches

February 8, 2016: Media advisory: Reporting on Zubik vs. Burwell Supreme Court Case Against HHS Mandate

February 1, 2016: Supreme Court to Argue Priests for Life Case March 23 Prayer Rally set in Front of Court

January 18, 2016: Briefs submitted to SCOTUS in support of Priests for Life

January 11, 2016: Members of Congress support Priests for Life, others at Supreme Court

January 6, 2016: Priests for Life files opening brief with Supreme Court in HHS mandate challenge

January 4, 2016: Priests for Life leading prayer campaigns for success at Supreme Court and the ballot box

Audio and Video

Rob Muise of the American Freedom Law Center talks
about the settlement

Listen to April 21 media call

Webcast Replay: Hear from those who were inside the Supreme Court on March 23

November 2015 Press Conference


March 22, 2016:  Prayer Rally at Supreme Court
March 22, 2016: Religious Liberty Matters press conference

March 23, 2016: Rally at Supreme Court

#IStandWithPFL 2016 (February 2016)

Plaintiffs Fr. Frank Pavone, Janet Morana and Alveda King discuss the case.

Update from Fr. Frank on the Obama Administration's response to our brief (February 12, 2016)

Interviews with Plaintiffs

Thomas Aquinas College, prayers to St. Michael for victory at the Supreme Court

Southern Nazarene’s HHS challenge fueled by ‘non-negotiable’ stance on life

Catholic University President: HHS mandate is a threat to the nation

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: