Norma McCorvey

The Former 'Jane Roe'

of Roe v. Wade

Norma McCorvey was the plaintiff in the Roe vs. Wade decision of the US Supreme Court, which legalized abortion in all 50 states.

In 1995 she became a pro-life Christian, and in 1998 was initiated into the Catholic Church. Norma passed away on February 18, 2017.

She had a pro-life ministry, known as Crossing Over Ministry. 

Below you will find various expressions of the story of her journey, and of the role Priests for Life has been privileged to play.

Fr. Frank Pavone's Instagram and Twitter Posts about Norma McCorvey

Fr. Frank Pavone: Norma McCorvey – 'Jane Roe' of Roe v. Wade – was truly pro-life and Christian (, 05/31/20)

Janet Morana: I know in my soul that Norma McCorvey wasn’t lying (, 05/22/20)

Norma McCorvey and Roe v. Wade Attorney Sarah Weddington: The Tangled Web of Choice (Kevin Burke, 5/22/20)

Dr. Alveda King: Claim that 'Jane Roe' was paid to join pro-life cause is false (, 05/22/20)

Norma McCorvey: AKA Roe No More (, 05/21/20)

My Journey into the Catholic Church by Norma McCorvey the 'Jane Roe' of Roe vs. Wade with Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life (, 05/20/20)

Press Release: Father Pavone on Norma McCorvey’s conversion: Her desire to protect children in the womb was no act (05/19/20)

Thoughts from Fr. Frank Pavone on the Norma McCorvey Documentary.

Interview with Norma as taped for Defending Life TV series (08/97)

Who was the "Roe" of Roe vs. Wade? (02/98)

Reflections on Norma's Journey of Faith (06/98)

Jane Roe's Long Road to Truth (National Catholic Register, 06/98)

Fr. Frank Pavone Confirms Norma McCorvey in the Catholic Church (08/98)

From the Post-Communion Reflection after Norma's First Communion (08/98)

My Journey into the Catholic Church: A Supplement to "Won by Love," by Norma McCorvey, with Fr. Frank Pavone (01/01)

Review of Norma's book, "Won by Love" (07/01)

10 Year Anniversary of Norma being Received into the Catholic Church (2008)

Jane Roe becomes a Christian (Catholic New York, 08/95)

Norma McCorvey becomes a Christian (Wanderer, 08/95)

Interview of Norma McCorvey and Sandra Cano (Pro-Life Action League, 04/96)

Norma McCorvey's Press Release about her decision to join the Catholic Church (06/98)

Norma McCorvey Prepares to Join the Church (Catholic News Service, 06/98)

Norma McCorvey Prepares to Join Catholic Church (Catholic World News, 06/98)

Norma Received into the Catholic Church (Catholic News Service, 08/98)

Homily at the Reception of Norma McCorvey into the Catholic Church (08/98)

The Paths of a Prodigal Daughter (Our Sunday Visitor, 10/98)

Norma's Newsletter (01/99)

Interview with Norma and Fr. Frank Pavone (Rio Grande Catholic, 06/99)

Interview with Norma in Diocese of Austin, TX (10/99)

Reversing Roe: The Video of Norma's Journey (01/12)

Roe No More: Plaintiff in Supreme Court Abortion Decision Dies. Reflections from a Friend (03/17)

Statement from Norma McCorvey's Family (02/17)

Press Release: Priests for Life mourns the death of Norma McCorvey (02/17)

Norma's Obituary

Family Of ‘Jane Roe’ Reminds World How Their Mom Wants To Be Remembered (, 02/17)

Janet Morana remembers her friend Norma McCorvey and how she became Roe No More (Currents TV, 02/17)

Janet Morana’s recollections of her friend Norma McCorvey (EWTN News Nightly, 02/17)

The Vicarious Trauma of Jane Roe by Janet Morana and Kevin Burke (National Catholic Register, 02/17)

Facebook Live Video: Fr. Frank mourns the passing of Norma McCorvey (02/17)

Facebook Live Video: Reflections from Fr. Frank on his interactions with Norma (02/17) 

Janet Morana remembers her friend, Norma McCorvey (National Catholic Register, 02/17)

Norma McCorvey, plaintiff in legalizing abortion who later turned pro-life, dead at 69 (, 02/17)

Norma McCorvey, 'Roe' in Roe v. Wade, is dead at 69 (New York Times, 02/17)

Norma "Jane Roe" McCorvey dies at 69 (, 02/17)

Norma McCorvey, who was at center of Roe v. Wade abortion rights case, dies at 69 (NBC News. 02/17) 

Norma McCorvey, AKA 'Jane Roe' of Roe v. Wade, dies at 69 (SI Live, 02/17)

Norma McCorvey, 'Roe' in Roe v. Wade, is dead at 69 (USA Today, 02/17)

Norma McCorvey, 'Jane Roe' of Roe v. Wade court case, has died (, 02/17)

Norma McCorvey, The "Jane Roe" in Roe v. Wade Who Eventually Became A Pro-Life Activist, Dies At 69 (, 02/17)

Norma McCorvey, Plaintiff in Roe v. Wade abortion case, dies (CNN, 02/17)

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