Father of Life,
God and Creator of all,
We praise you today,
For we are fearfully, wonderfully made. You have created the human body and soul
To reflect your own image and likeness. Lord, we see you in every human being,
We reverence you in each of our brothers and sisters. And we grieve and mourn for each child
Whose body has been destroyed
By the violence of abortion. We remember in particular
The babies whose bodies were recently discovered
In the home of the abortionist who killed them. Lord, may this discovery
Awaken the conscience of our nation,
To see that abortion is not an abstract debate
About viewpoints and beliefs,
But rather a human tragedy
About victims and bloodshed. Help all of us connect
With the humanity of our youngest brothers and sisters,
As we give reverence to their bodies,
And commend them to you. We pray as well for every child who has been aborted,
And for those in danger of abortion. We pray for their families,
That they may find hope in place of despair,
And the courage to choose life
In place of the temptation to destroy it. Bring conversion, repentance, and healing to us
And to the whole world. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. |