Suggested Petitions for the General Intercessions on the Sundays and Feast Days of the Liturgical Year - Year C

Advent Season Solemnities of the Lord During the Season of the Year
Christmas Season Year A
Lenten Season Year B
Easter Season Petitions for Any Day
Sundays of the Year Spanish version

First Sunday of Advent, Year C
That the gift of justice may transform our land, making secure the lives of the poor, the vulnerable, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord…
Second Sunday of Advent, Year C
That the Church may bring about effective repentance from the sin of abortion, and the gift healing to those wounded by it, we pray to the Lord…
Third Sunday of Advent, Year C
That couples may experience the joy that comes with every new life, and in that joy find strength to overcome the difficulties they may face, we pray to the Lord…
Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C
That as Mary helped Elizabeth, so we may help those who are pregnant to care for their unborn children, we pray to the Lord…
That the Birth of the Baby Jesus may strengthen our resolve to welcome, nurture, and protect every child, born and unborn, we pray to the Lord…
Feast of the Holy Family
That families may spend more time honoring, listening to, and learning from their members who have the blessings of many years of life, we pray to the Lord…
That our Faith may lead us to the presence of Christ in the sick, the poor, the oppressed, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord…
Baptism of the Lord
That every unborn child may be brought safely to the waters of baptism, and to the joy of hearing the Good News of salvation, we pray to the Lord…
Ash Wednesday
That our nation may repent of sins that directly attack human life, including abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia, we pray to the Lord…
First Sunday of Lent, Year C
For the strength to resist the temptation to discriminate against the poor, the immigrant, the elderly, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord…
 Second Sunday of Lent, Year C
That as we acknowledge our heavenly citizenship, we may work to be active and effective citizens of our homeland here on earth, we pray to the Lord…
Third Sunday of Lent, Year C
That God, who always hears the cry of His people who are being oppressed, may enable us to hear those cries and to save the poor, the vulnerable, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord…
Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year C
For all those who have had or participated in abortion, that they may trust in the Father of mercies, who always welcomes His repentant children, we pray to the Lord…
Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year C
That we may build a Culture of Life which welcomes the born and unborn, the stranger and neighbor, and the saint and sinner, we pray to the Lord…
Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday)
That as Christ saved us when we were helpless, we too may save the helpless among us, including the poor, the unwelcome, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord…
Holy Thursday
That following the example of Jesus, who washed the feet of His disciples, we may reverence and serve every human life, especially the weakest and those still in their mother's womb, we pray to the Lord…
Easter Vigil
That the light of the Risen Christ may illumine the minds of government leaders to enable them to protect the right to life of every human being, we pray to the Lord…
Easter Sunday
That the victory of Jesus over death may encourage all who work to end abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia, we pray to the Lord…
Second Sunday of Easter, Year C
That the gift of forgiveness, entrusted to the Church through the apostles, may reach all who have been wounded by abortion, we pray to the Lord...
Third Sunday of Easter, Year C
That we may all work to change unjust laws that permit abortion, taking courage from the apostles' word that we must obey God rather than man, we pray to the Lord…
Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year C
That Jesus, the Good Shepherd from whose hand none can be snatched away, may protect all children in danger of being aborted, we pray to the Lord...
Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C
That the world may see clearly the love we have for the poor, the sick, the oppressed, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord...
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C
That Christ's farewell gift of peace may be preserved through a renewed respect and protection for every human life, we pray to the Lord...
Feast of the Ascension
That through the Ascension, public servants and all people may have a deeper understanding of the dignity of each and every human person, we pray to the Lord...  
Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year C
That we may prepare the world to welcome Christ's Second Coming by welcoming the poor, the sick, the burdensome, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord...
Pentecost Sunday
That the Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life, may renew the face of the earth and make it a place where the poor are fed, the strangers are welcomed, and the unborn are brought safely to birth, we pray to the Lord...

Sundays of the Year

Second Sunday of the Year, Year C
That through the prayers of Mary, the mother of Jesus, we may promote a new appreciation for the dignity of women, of marriage, and of motherhood, we pray to the Lord…
Third Sunday of the Year, Year C
That as Christ proclaims liberty to the poor and the captive, we may work to eliminate war, starvation, capital punishment, and abortion, we pray to the Lord…
Fourth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That God, who knows and loves us even from the womb, may inspire and sustain our work to eliminate abortion and the conditions that lead to it, we pray to the Lord...
Fifth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That by seeing God's presence more clearly in every human life, we may repent of the ways that we have failed to honor, protect, and welcome that life, we pray to the Lord...
Sixth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That God may give joy to those who are persecuted for fighting abortion, euthanasia, war, and capital punishment, we pray to the Lord…
Seventh Sunday of the Year, Year C
That writers, artists, and performers may inspire people to be compassionate, kind, and respectful of each and every human life from conception to natural death, we pray to the Lord…
Eighth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That the pro-life movement may grow in unity and strength, declaring with St. Paul that death has been swallowed up in victory, we pray to the Lord…
Ninth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That the assistance which nations give each other may always be marked by policies that protect life from the first moment of conception, we pray to the Lord…
Tenth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That the Gospel, which proclaims the raising of the dead, may give comfort to those who mourn the loss of a child by miscarriage or abortion, we pray to the Lord…
Eleventh Sunday of the Year, Year C
That doctors who perform abortions may experience repentance and forgiveness, and turn their skills from the destruction of life to its care, we pray to the Lord…
Twelfth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That we may learn to deny ourselves and make room for those who may come into our lives by surprise, such as the poor, the immigrant, and the unborn child, we pray to the Lord…
Thirteenth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That our world may understand St. Paul's teaching on the meaning of freedom, and never use it as a justification for abortion or any kind of wrongdoing, we pray to the Lord…
Fourteenth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That all who teach the faith may proclaim that the reign of God is a kingdom in which human life, at every stage, is welcomed and revered as a supreme gift of God, we pray to the Lord…
Fifteenth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That we may be Good Samaritans to those who are in danger of death, such as criminals on death row, homeless people lacking food and shelter, and children scheduled to be aborted, we pray to the Lord…
Sixteenth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That the gift of hospitality may fill our families and communities, and shape the way we respond to the terminally ill, the unborn, and all people, we pray to the Lord…
Seventeenth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That we may never tire of petitioning the Lord as well as elected officials to restore legal protection to children growing in the womb, we pray to the Lord…
Eighteenth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That professionals in every walk of life may "grow rich in the sight of God" by dedicating their skills to building a Culture of Life that protects every human being from conception to natural death, we pray to the Lord…
Nineteenth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That courts and judges may uphold, above all, the sanctity of life, that they may be prepared to give an account of their service when Christ the Lord returns, we pray to the Lord…
Twentieth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That we may not be afraid to be faithful to Jesus' teachings on the dignity of human life, even if our faithfulness causes some to separate themselves from us, we pray to the Lord…
Twenty-First Sunday of the Year, Year C
That those who find their pregnancy a trial too difficult to bear may experience new strength from God and from the assistance of all of us, we pray to the Lord…
Twenty-Second Sunday of the Year, Year C
That elected officials may serve with the humility that recognizes that human rights come from God, not from government, we pray to the Lord…
Twenty-Third Sunday of the Year, YearC
That all who have repented of the sin of abortion may be given the grace to forgive those who pressured them or failed to help them, we pray to the Lord…
Twenty-Fourth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That we may work for better alternatives than capital punishment, and that wrongdoers may find repentance and healing, we pray to the Lord…
Twenty-Fifth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That the concerns people have about money may never be greater than their readiness to welcome and cherish the gift of children, we pray to the Lord…
Twenty-Sixth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That we may answer the call of the Lazarus of the 21st Century, as he comes to us in the poor, the sick, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord…
Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year, Year C
That there may be an end to the violence of crime, war, abortion and oppression, we pray to the Lord…
Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That we may always thank God for the gift of our life and the lives of our children, and work to defend the lives of those in danger, we pray to the Lord…
Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That God's people may persevere in their prayers and works to eliminate abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and every form of injustice against human life, we pray to the Lord... 
Thirtieth Sunday of the Year, Year C
That God, who hears the cry of the oppressed, may inspire those in the media to be a stronger voice for the weak, the marginalized, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord…
Thirty-First Sunday of the Year, Year C
That like Zaccheus, our knowledge of Jesus may lead us to be generous to the poor, as well as to all the weak, the neglected, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord…
Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year, Year C
That all who preach the Word of God may proclaim clearly that He is a God of Life who calls His people to defend the gift of life, we pray to the Lord…
Thirty-Third Sunday of the Year, Year C
For those who have been unjustly accused of wrongdoing because they have stood up for God's law and defended the sanctity of life, we pray to the Lord…
Thirty-Fourth or Last Sunday of the Year: Solemnity of Christ the King, Year C
That Christ the King may lead all public servants to place the dignity of human life at the center of all their policies, programs, and decisions, we pray to the Lord…

Solemnities of the Lord During the Season of the Year

Trinity Sunday, Year C
That the union of life in the Trinity may bring us into deeper union with those society tends to reject or ignore, we pray to the Lord…
Corpus Christi, Year C
That those who say, "This is my body" to justify taking life by abortion may learn to say, "This is my body, given for you," as Christ did, we pray to the Lord...
Sacred Heart, Year C
That with the love of a shepherd's heart, all pastors may seek out those who are far from the Church because of abortion, and proclaim to them the mercy of God, we pray to the Lord...

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