Priests for Life Employee Highlights - Former Employees

Sue Cyr: Our First Full-Time Employee

“A God story” brought Elisabeth Liskowski to Priests for Life

Elisa Fagundes: Former Priests for Life employee “wanted to be a baby saver!”

Rosa Hernandez Rosa Evelin Hernandez

Hello, my name is Rosa Evelin Hernandez. With my mother and three older sisters, I escaped the war in El Salvador and we migrated to the United States. I grew up in Northern Virginia and lived there for more than 30 years until coming to Cocoa to be with my mom and stepfather. I am married to a wonderful husband, originally from West Virginia, and I have a 19-year-old daughter and a 16-year stepson. I have worked in real estate since 2001. For the past eight years I worked as a leasing agent and community event coordinator, assisting tenants to better themselves and making a difference in their lives by soliciting companies to come to our community to provide educational events. Now I am here with Priests for Life as a receptionist. I feel God has put this position in my path and given me a chance to work with such an amazing group of people as we do the work needed for God’s plan for all his people, including the unborn.

Elizabeth Elizabeth 'Libby' Hall

Florida native enjoys her work with the Priests for Life family

I’m a new hire here in the Gift Entry department, though I started off as a volunteer at the beginning of the year. I was super excited and honored to be offered this position because I loved the atmosphere and the people here a great deal. I also feel blessed to be a part of this amazing ministry/ mission doing God’s work. I love my family and am a very proud aunt of 4 amazing and beautiful kids.
Tammy Neil Mijares

I am Neil Mijares, born and raised in the Philippines. I am a very family-oriented person, happily married with three lovely children – a fine young lady and two very energetic boys. I am very excited and pleased to be part of this worthy cause and looking forward to fulfilling my familial responsibilities while simultaneously contributing to the success of the Priests for Life Organization.

Growing up in a predominantly Catholic country has instilled strong Catholic beliefs and values in me. These principles have become part of my core, motivating me to make a positive impact whenever I go. I believe in sharing and spreading goodwill and kindness in every aspect of my life including my work. It is in my heart to help others, having been directly involved and having shared my time, skills and resources in various outreach programs, medical missions and volunteer works dedicated to make a difference in the lives of people from all walks of life, which I find truly inspiring and life changing.

Our willingness to lend a hand is our passion and way of life. In the Priests for Life work culture, it is very stimulating to work towards the common goal and promoting a better world.

Tammy Tammy Journey

Hello! My name is Tammy Journey, I was born in Virginia, but my family moved to Central Florida when I was four. We were a family that fished, hunted, and grew fresh vegetables. My father always said that Florida was a paradise, and you could sustain the family with its resources.

I’m married to Mark, an Electrical Engineer and we enjoy fishing as much as we can!

As a previous Computer Teacher, I have been privileged to help shape young lives, impart skills and knowledge. Later, moving into Human Resources, I was in a position to support young adults entering the workforce. As a Christian, I feel privileged to have found a new calling here at Priests For Life helping support the unborn so they may also have the opportunity to benefit from Teachers they will come to know in their life, as well as HR professionals that will assist them on the job just as I was fortunate to do in my careers!

Mary Bennett Mary Bennett

Hello, my name is Mary Bennett, a Catholic raised in Ellicott City, Maryland. I have a beautiful daughter that just got married and I am blessed to have 6 siblings. I was blessed to have a wonderful career in the Defense Industry (36 years) and now it is time for me to give back to the community. Fortunately, I started as a volunteer at Priests for Life and now have been given the opportunity to work in the PFL Data Entry department. I believe in the work Fr. Frank and Janet Morana are doing for the unborn and will do whatever I can to help them achieve their mission.

St. Teresa of Calcutta once said “Abortion kills twice. It kills the body of the baby and it kills the conscience of the mother. Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three quarters of its victims are women. Half the babies and all the mothers.”

Wendy Wendy Monica

Before joining Priests for Life as a new Data Entry Associate, I worked as a paralegal for over twenty years in Boston and Miami. I decided that I wanted to change my career and do something positive with the hope of making a difference in the world today. I have always been Pro Life and the chance to work with Father Pavone in saving the unborn is one of our most important causes today. Too many persons are choosing to end life and I want to help end abortion for good.

Growing up my family moved from state to state for my father’s job as an engineer. As a result, I’ve lived in over 10 states and my parents made it a point to visit all of the surrounding states where we lived so I’ve seen a large portion of the United States. It was always special to visit areas to experience different cultures and taste so many different types of food from each region. I enjoy new experiences and meeting new people. I can easily pick up my Texas drawl or pahk my cah at Hahvad yahd whenever I’m around particular accents.

I’ve finally settled down and planted my roots in Titusville. I love it here. No more shoveling snow for me. It’s great visiting Kennedy Space Center and seeing the rockets go up at Cape Canaveral. I also enjoy hanging with my dog, gardening and I’m an avid reader.

I want to thank each of you for visiting the Priests for Life webpage. Together, we can all make a difference.

michele Michele Winders

Hi my name is Michele Winders. My journey has just begun with Priests for Life, but I have always been Pro Life. I believe in God’s plans for us and believe every soul has purpose. This year I will turn 45. I am the oldest sibling, and a mother to four outstanding young men. I enjoy diamond painting, traveling, record stores, and walking my two dogs. I am proud to be a part of Priests for Life and each of its ministries.
Eugene Eugene Vigil

Eugene Vigil, Priests for Life employee, assistant to Alveda King, dies at 62

How a Mother’s Day text launched a very busy career

Hello, my name is Eugene Vigil. I am the 4th of 9 children of devout Catholics. I was born in Morelia, Mexico, DF in 1958 while my parents were working with the Catholic missions. We moved back to the US when I was eight years old, first to Mora, NM, then to Houston, TX, and in 1969 we moved to Atlanta, Georgia where I grew up.

My introduction into the pro-life movement began slowly with my dad telling me about Fr. Frank Pavone becoming the National Director of Priests for Life in Texas. I thought it was wonderful but I didn’t get involved at that time. Then in 2003 I took my daughter, then 18, to a fashion show on dressing modestly. I didn’t know it was for mothers and their 10-12 year old daughters. Luckily, we met a woman who ran a CPC at the event which was a fundraiser for the CPC where we began volunteering and later I left my job to work there full-time for about 7 months. It was there that I met Dr. Alveda King. At about the same time, my dad bought me tickets to a fundraising dinner for Seamless Garment Ministry (SGM), a ministry that provided shelter and various programs for women in an unplanned pregnancy who found themselves homeless but chose to give life to their babies.
When God has plans for you he doesn’t mess around. He puts you in the deep end and lets you go at it. But there’s no need to be afraid because He is always there with a watchful eye making sure you don’t drown.

In January 2009 I was transferred to Virginia Beach, VA with my job. It went well for some time but I really missed being involved in the pro-life movement. I still did volunteer work with SGM from long distance (newsletters and updating the mailing list) but I wanted more. The opportunity to work for Priests for Life came in mid 2010. It was the answer to my prayers. I had just made the decision that I needed to find a new job as the one I was in was not going anywhere. I wanted more for my life and I wanted to do God’s will. I also wanted to do pro-life work. I am so honored and blessed to be able to work for Priests for Life and with Dr. Alveda King. I rely on God for my strength and to Him goes the glory!<
Lauren Thomas

Hi, My Name is Lauren Thomas and I am mother to a wonderful little boy. I have worked in some form of customer service all my adult life, mostly in health care and enjoy being able to take care of those in need. I recently joined the Priests for Life family as a Travel Coordinator for the Speaker’s Bureau and I am excited to see where this new journey takes me. In my spare time I am also pursuing a degree in Paralegal Studies to further be able to help those in need. I am passionate about my faith and believe we are all destined for something great in life! My faith in God to always provide in our time of need has brought me to where I am today. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
Byron White

Byron White is a native Minnesotan and has called Texas home for more than thirty years. He has filled the Political Outreach Associate position. Although not related to Justice Byron White, he likes to point out that Justice White was one of the two dissenting votes against Roe v. Wade.

“I’m sure many are familiar with the ‘Footprints in the Sand’ parable. I think this would best describe my path to Priests for Life. Sometimes it is difficult to see God’s plan for us. It is now clear looking back that all my past jobs and life experiences have in some way contributed to my work here. I believe this is a calling rather than a nine-to-five, pay-the-bills job. It is a sad commentary of a society that refuses to protect the most vulnerable among us. As a father of two boys, I have seen the wonder of God’s most amazing gift. The gift of life.”
Mike Scira

Hi everyone my name is Mike Scira. It is exhilarating to start working for Priests for Life. I was brought on to help out in the resource department and I am looking forward to seeing where the organization takes me. I moved to Merritt Island Florida in April 2012 from Rochester New York with my family and have been living island style ever since. I enjoy a lot of different activities, some of which include kayaking, working on and playing with new technologies and spending time with family and friends. I recently graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in Organizational management from Eastern Florida State College. I am also a cancer survivor but I try not to let that aspect of my life define me. I am constantly looking for continuous self-improvement and striving to be the best version of myself I can possibly be. I am looking forward to be working with such a wonderful team and hope to make a difference in the world.
Rashed Espejon

NY travel coordinator pitches in to keep Priests for Life in the air

Hello, my name is Rashed. I work for Priests For Life as a Travel Coordinator in the Speakers Bureau Department.

It is truly a blessing to be part of a culture and mission to fight for life in this culture of death.

Working for Priests for Life not only opened my mind, heart, and soul to the Pro-life movement, but it has also created a sense of who I am and what my purpose and calling is.
Nestor Rivera

Facilities manager

Nestor was born in Anasco, Puerto Rico, grew up in the Bronx and has been in Florida for the last 27 years. He currently lives in Orlando.

Nestor holds associate’s degrees in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and electricity. He has worked as a contractor and has been involved in the renovation of Priests for Life’s new Titusville headquarters from the start. His specialty is painting.

He’s not only a sports fan; he was a boxer in his younger years and also played soccer. “Soccer is one of my passions,” he says. Although he is a longtime Florida resident, he continues to root for his New York teams – the Giants and the Mets.

The father of one son says his new job at Priests for Life is a bit of a departure for him. “I’m used to working by myself. But I like the atmosphere here, and the people I am with.”
Amanda Rosado
From S.I. to Florida Life

Hello, Everyone! My name is Amanda Rosado and I’m excited to begin my journey with Priests For Life where I will be working as a Travel Coordinator for the Speaker’s Bureau. I was born and raised in Staten Island, NY and have recently celebrated my 23rd year in Florida. I’m a proud mother of two children: my son Maximus and my daughter Keira. If I’m not at work, then you can always find me spending my spare time with my children. We’re usually enjoying time with our family, friends and making the most out of Florida life! Finding a “job” in the secular world is a bit of a challenge, to say the least. Often times, we’re told that our beliefs have no place there while we’re on the clock and employees are reprimanded or fired based on how outspoken the employees have chosen to be. Simply put: Finding Priests For Life is a blessing. After some heavy prayer for the right company that would allow me to be among likeminded individuals, God answered. He has never disappointed! I’m looking forward to my time with Priests For Life and sharing my dedication and work ethic with my co-workers.
Chris Conley

Ohio native’s first exposure to Priests for Life was through Alveda King

Hi my name is Christine Conley (Chris) and I am excited to start my journey with Priests For Life. I am originally from Southern Ohio and come from a very rural area. I had strong beliefs instilled in me by my family, particularly, my dear grandmother. She was an elementary school teacher and Sunday school teacher in our community for many years. So, I am very happy to be working in a not for profit organization with a mission that is striving to preserve life and let that message be heard. I will be working in the Gift Entry department. I have a strong passion for music and the arts. I love to sing and hope to find somewhere to use those talents since relocating to Florida with my family. We have been in Florida for five years and I am still learning more about the area and people daily. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and humanities and am interested in pursuing a Master’s degree program in the future. I have a background in an array of work experiences from retail management to administrative work and banking. I have always been passionate about helping people in any capacity I can. I have two wonderful daughters aged 16 and 13. My husband is a great guy who is a disabled veteran and a nurse. I am blessed to be given this opportunity and thank God for all of the blessings he has provided. .
Fr. Walter Quinn

Fr. Quinn was a Priest Associate and passed away on January 15, 2019. Read his bio .
Erica  Erica McCullough

Travel coordinator is excited to be using her gifts for “something bigger than me”

Hi, I’m Erica McCullough. I work as a coordinator in the Speaker’s Bureau Department. I am happily married, and was raised in Cocoa, close to where the Priests for Life office is now. I moved to Pennsylvania 2 months before the shuttle program terminated. While I was there, I met my husband. We both worked for the same company. We moved to Georgia a couple of years later for our jobs. I then moved back home to Florida when my husband got a new job. I am so excited to be working for an organization that is bigger than myself and to be working directly for the Kingdom of God!

Patricia Kessler

For former staffer, Priests for Life will always be “home”

Hello! My name is Patricia Kessler and I’ve been working at Priests for Life for the 5 years. I’ve had the privilege of knowing Janet since I was three years old, and Fr. Pavone since I was about seven years old. I’ve been pro-life for since I was a child. My first Pro-life event I can remember was when I went to Washington with my family and the Knights of Columbus at the age of 10. It was just a calling for me to work for the pro-life movement. It is something I have always been passionate about.  

Working here has given me the opportunity to grow spiritually as well as mentally. I am currently working in the Gift Entry Department. I love getting a chance to talk to our donors. You are wonderful people who give us the opportunity to continue doing the wonderful things we have been able to accomplish! I am extremely blessed to be able to know I am doing God’s will of saving lives. To know that I have helped someone decide to save a child is so rewarding.



 Angela Aspromonte

Former receptionist misses her Priests for Life family

Hello, my name is Angela and I am the Receptionist at Priests for Life.  Working at Priests For Life Is not a job but a mission. I feel privileged working in an organization with such dedicated people all working to put an end to abortion and help in the healing of the mothers and who have experienced this horrific act. When I go home at night I may be tired but I feel a sense of accomplishment.

Darrvi Jesus B. Calotes

'A spirit of service' defined the work day for Darrvi Calotes

Hello, my name is Darrvi Jesus B. Calotes and I work in the Resources Department here at Priests For Life headquarters. I have been blessed with a unique life experience, earning degrees in Telecommunications, Biblical Studies and Counseling Psychology. I have been a U.S. soldier, a competitive dancer, a personal trainer, a poet, an MMA instructor and I have worked professionally for various businesses and companies. I have also been involved with various types of Christian ministries for many years and I am now honored to serve within the Pro Life movement. A sequence of events has led me to work at PFL and I believe that I am not only filling a position, but fulfilling a purpose.

Marie was unable to move to Florida with us.

Marie Elliott

My name is Marie Elliott this coming year will be seven years with Priests for Life. I work in the Gift Entry Department where I along with my colleagues process all donations coming in to Priests for Life, and I also process donations for National Pro-Life Religious Council which is also affiliated with Priest for Life. I have always been Pro-Life because I am an Evangelical Christian but being in a setting like this made me realize that we are in a baby killing crisis and it’s a battle that we have to fight till the end. 

Fr. Frank has been an inspiration to me in speaking up for the unborn and I am proud to be a part of Priest for life because I know even if I cannot be on a platform speaking up for the unborn whatever I do at Priest for life I do it whole heartedly because I am a true believer in this cause and whatever donations I process I know at the end f the day it goes towards helping save some innocent ones who just don’t have a voice to speak up for themselves. Praise the Lord most high.  

Diana Sousa

"Fr. Frank has been a wonderful mentor and a very good boss”

Diana Sousa

Hello, my name is Diana. I currently hold a position at Priest for Life as a Travel Coordinator in the Speaker Bureau Department.

I have worked in the banking industry for many years and decided that I needed a change in my work environment. I have a strong passion for helping others and wanted to work for or work with a non-profit organization. After intense discernment I made the decision to join Priest for Life. This opportunity will allow me to grow both professionally and personally. It is a true blessing to be part of their mission and team.
Donna Pagtalunan Donna was unable to move to Florida with us.

Donna Pagtalunan

My name is Donna, I am in the Priest for Life in the Resource Department.

I was born in the Philippines and immigrated to NYC in 1985 with my parents and 3 brothers. Just like your typical woman, I love to shop especially if it’s on sale or I have a coupon for it. On the weekends you can find me at Englishtown Flea Market selling charcoaled grilled to perfection BBQ chicken or pork from our family friend’s food truck called “The Bubbas’ Barbikyu”. Having a family member who is in the spectrum, I am involved in any volunteer work when it comes to AUTISM SPEAKS/WALK.

It’s an honor to be a part of an organization who is passionately dedicated in saving precious lives who does not have a voice. I’ve been married for 5yrs and praying everyday God will grant us our gift of life.
Brittany Berto  Brittany was unable to move to Florida with us.

Brittany Berto

My name is Brittany and I work in the gift entry department. I recently graduated from St. John’s University with a B.S. in accounting and a minor in speech pathology and audiology. I also enjoy working with kids. I’ve been a bowling coach for over 4 years, coaching children from the ages of 3 to 16. Some of my hobbies include bowling, baking, crocheting and reading. I look forward to working for Priests For Life.
Brittany Berto Sara Valenzuela

Hello my name is Sara Valenzuela and I am the new Social Media Manager here at Priests for Life! I am excited to start working for a wonderful Pro-Life ministry such as this. I have spent my whole life getting involved in different ministries at my home parish in California where I formed my love for God and serving those in need. The Pro-Life cause was always close to my heart and it led me to Stand True (the youth outreach of Priests for Life) where I worked as a Summer Intern in 2015. I can’t wait to continue God’s work with Priests for Life!
Jed Belaguas Jed Belaguas

Jed Belaguas is a passionate communicator and technology specialist who brings four years of marketing experience to Priests for Life. Having worked previously in various industries for non-profit and private organizations, he wishes to use the social media, design, and digital creation skills for the Church and greater good of society. He believes in unity and solidarity, equity for all, and selfless service for a just cause.
Anthony Vento  Anthony Vento

To arrive at the conclusion to the problem of which knowledge is possible, the philosopher Descartes decided to be skeptical about everything. His approach was simple, he was going to doubt everything in an attempt to arrive at that which is certain and cannot be distrusted. Using a conjecture of dreams to accomplish this task, he reached the conclusion that if he questioned his existence, he was thinking and one must exist in order to think.

Therefore, the ability to reflect on himself thinking was that which could not be doubted and served as a foundation to prove the existence of that which is outside of his person. In the following composition, I will arrive at the same conclusion in a much less galvanizing fashion.

As a boy I had an endearing relationship with my father in which our allegiance to our faith was often exhibited in daily Masses, Rosaries and Novenas. I never gave thought to the possibility of a vocation though. Neither did I ever venture to assist at the altars as most of my schoolmates did. My faith was at the filial level and didn't seek existence in any other ambit. I was content with my relation to God, that I strengthened from the pews and had no rousing to be on the altar rather than before it. I had no gripes with the life of a Priest, but the life of a teacher, athlete and even librarian seemed to captivate my interest more.

This shows my immature understanding of the Priesthood, for it is not a profession, but a calling in its truest sense and a life lead with the Lord. I was sought by the hounds of Heaven and pursued this calling. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I have had to postpone my studies for the Priesthood.

However, God writes straight with crooked lines and I have found work with Priests For Life; an organization under the title and leadership of Priests, which defends Life. Life is sacred and there is a principle of organization and development for each zygote, which, if left to natural growth, would produce a viable life. I will ever be mindful of this and work at my role of Correspondence Associate for the Priests For Life with ardor and devotion!
Michael Vento Michael Vento

Hello, my name is Michael. After almost four years of volunteering and discerning, my prayer for God to provide a way for me to support myself was answered. I believe, as is had been said, that coincidences are God’s way of remaining anonymous. It was through a series of these “coincidences” that I find myself blessed to be the Technical Assistant at Priests for Life.

I am especially thankful to be here because I sadly do not recall having ever done anything to defend the defenseless before. Now, I can be confident that when I am near my judgment, I will receive peace from what I have done here since it has been written that, “So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” James 2:17.

I am Pro-Life because of what I know from my faith and what I learned in my elementary school science class. A zygote is a human being. That “single cell” is both alive (having the five characteristics of a living organism) and is a separate human life from her mother (having unique human DNA).

Thank you and may God continue to bless you and your loved ones now and forever!
Catherine Anderson Catherine Anderson

Catherine has retired but continues to volunteer.

My name is Catherine Anderson. I work in the Gift Entry Department. I have known Fr. Frank since he came to St. Charles as a Parochial Vicar and it was because of him and his passion that I became involved in the Pro-Life movement. I attended many marches in Washington, spent time in prayer outside of hospitals and on street corners and outside an abortion clinic in Brooklyn.

I worked in Manhattan for 25 years for an insurance brokerage and then I retired to care of my grandson. He is now in second grade in St. Charles and I felt it was time for me to return to work. I am very proud to be a part of this spiritual family that is working to put an end to abortion.

Victor Manabat Victor Manabat

Victor has moved out of the New York area.

My name is Victor Manabat. I am a new hire and started August 3rd 2009 assigned in the IT Department. I live not too far from the office and that was how I was able to see this organization during my job hunting walk around the area. Upon seeing Priests for Life in my neighborhood, I immediately went home and visited the website to learn more about this organization. I was so impressed and amazed at the purpose and the mission of Priests for Life, that I made it my top priority to apply for any position, send in my resume and pursue being a part of this family-oriented workplace. In my past work experience, I have been affiliated with the Don Bosco School in the Philippines where I worked as a teacher. I am so happy and proud in knowing that I can add value to what this organization aims for which is ultimately to save precious lives.


John Fagundes John Fagundes

John moved back to California with his family.

Hi, my name is John Fagundes. In 2001, I moved from California to Staten Island, NY to work at Priests for Life headquarters. I work in the Correspondence/ Public Outreach Department. We respond to correspondence and phone calls from people who inquire about our resources and various aspects of abortion, euthanasia, and pro-life political responsibility.

It is encouraging to hear from clergy and lay people who are actively involved in promoting the Culture of Life and assisting parents and babies in need. I am grateful for the opportunities to help parents choose Life through our collaboration with the national pregnancy help networks, Heartbeat International and Care Net, at and .

We also reach out to parents who regret their abortions, seeking forgiveness and healing. Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries at has helped many post-abortive parents experience God's love and compassion.

  Raymond Mui

Hello, my name is Raymond Mui and I have recently joined the Priests for Life team in February 2013, as a Resource Associate in their Staten Island office. I am a recent graduate of Stony Brook University where I received my bachelors in Psychology with a minor in Business Administration. A very good friend of mine informed me of Priests for Life and encouraged me to look into their organization. I volunteered in their office for a few weeks and I was very moved and impressed to see everyone around me working together to achieve a shared mission. I look forward to learning more from the wonderful staff and growing to be a part of this amazing family!

Israel Horn


Israel Horn

Israel Horn is the Assistant Director of Development at Priests for Life. He works with the D.C. location as part of the fund raising team along with Jerry Horn and Frank Norris, building relationships with the major donors through meaningful conversations and personal prayer. He also informs current and prospective donors of giving opportunities. Having been immersed in the pro-life battle his entire life, Israel’s sincere love commitment to Jesus, the Lord of Life, continues to push him on as he pursues the eradication of abortion. Israel and his wife Sarah have been blessed with four children.

Marisol Villanueva  Marisol Villanueva

To all my brothers and sisters of the world,

Priest For Life has given me an awesome opportunity to join them in promoting the culture of “LIFE” in and around our world. The correspondence department has now a new bilingual addition to their team. After 15 years of experience as a crisis pregnancy consultant and having worn many hats down the line, joining Priests for Life is truly an honor. I feel drawn at each moment to invite all around me to embrace our God given right to defend life to its fullest from the moment of conception to the moment of our last breathe. Let us not be silent but in diligent action and with love move forward to a definite end to abortion.

We must not sleep on this, but be fully awake at such a decisive hour. Let us remember that this type of evil can not be remedied by action alone but must be accompanied by prayer. We can make a change with the help of God in His angels and saints. In this, I quote Mother Teresa of Calcutta, by saying ”Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His love than in your own weakness.”  You and I, we are the Church, no? We have to share with our people. Suffering today is because people are hoarding, not giving, not sharing. Jesus made it very clear. Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do it to me. Give a glass of water, you give it to me. Receive a little child, you receive me.

There is an ultimate need to educate in TRUTH, meditate in ACTION, and teach PERSERVERINGLY to everyone around you. With that note my brethren I send you all a warm embrace and welcome to continue using GOOD resources to save the innocent unborn. 

Stephen Gendreske

Steve moved back to Michigan

I have been active in the prolife movement since before 9-11. I started with praying the rosary in front of an abortion clinic, which led to sidewalk counseling, and eventually to holding the graphic images in public. I spent some time as an executive director of a pregnancy help center, and spent a year in the seminary studying and discerning the priesthood.

Happily I am able to take a position with an organization like Priests for Life. I have always seen Priests for life as being on the cutting edge of the pro-life movement. It is good to work with so many dedicated and faithful people.

David Clark

David is pursuing other opportunities 

Hello my name is David. The pro-life seed was planted in me in 2003 when I went to do a television production internship in Washington, DC. The woman who owned the company was a member of Emily’s List. After leaving that internship, I knew something in my heart was telling me that our culture was not right. Not until the 2004 elections did I start to seriously question my faith and the abortion issue. I prayed before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament exposed and asked “What should I do?” I left the chapel and went straight to the nearest Catholic bookstore to get any information on anything related to pro-life. The rest is history.

I entered into the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life (MEV) in August 2007 with an open heart. By far, it has been the best experience of my life. I’ve been in New York now since January 2008. My duties have been to personally assist Fr. Frank Pavone and Janet Morana with various tasks such as media outreach, updating our audio/video database, make various donor calls to our benefactors, and occasionally assisting on travels. Each day is a challenge and a rewarding one. The fact that I sacrifice my desires for the sake of God and his creation is something I can never turn away from. Human lives are at stake and I know being here each day makes a big difference.

My favorite quote that I use is that of Mother Teresa, who is also an inspiration for the MEV's, “I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness”



Oreo passed away in March 2010

Oreo is our office mascot, keeping the staff company at the main office and barking at any pro-choice dogs who walk by.

Woof, Woof....




Justin Harper

Justin is a missionary for FOCUS and is married with a baby daughter

Justin Harper is here on his second internship with Priests For Life.  Uprooting from Seattle, WA and driving cross-country to arrive here for the summer, he will be working with us for shy under two months, before traveling to Steubenville, OH to attend Franciscan University in the Fall, as a double major in International Business and Catechetics.  He hopes to continue forward with a Master's Degree in Ethics, and graduate to Civil and Canon Law thereafter, working either in Rome or in one of the greater metropolitan areas of the United States.  His desire to enter civil law is to serve the religious community in defending their rights to practice their faith, and keep government at a far distance from infringing on this constitutional and God-given necessity.  The recent events of various neighborhood Bible studies being ordered to cease and desist on grounds of disturbance of the peace, and certain dioceses being threatened with hierarchical restructuring through financial committees, along with looming concerns on the state of affairs in Washington, DC, he feels that there will be a great need for this specialized legal assistance in the upcoming future, and wants to help in some way to fulfill this. 

His assistance here primarily focuses on helping the web design team manage and update the various Priests For Life websites, and assisting the staff and the National Director with other related tasks.  He is very encouraged to be back here in Staten Island working with our international organization to protect the sanctity of life, and although his time here will be in his own words, "too short", he is excited to continue his work in college, where he will be surrounded by a very positive Catholic and Pro-Life student body.

Jean Marie Laurie

Jean Marie is pursuing other opportunities

Hello My name is Jean Marie Laurie and I work in the Speakers Bureau as an Executive Scheduler.  I am married to a wonderful man and I have two step children Jennifer and Joseph.  I attend Oasis Christian Center and am very active in my church.  I teach Arts and crafts once a month to the community children at the Life Center.  I also work at the food pantry when my schedule permits me.  I look forward to doing my part in the Pro Life mission and to reach as many people as possible.


Ray Mooney

Ray married and moved off of Staten Island and so no longer works for Priests for Life but he continues to be involved with the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life.

Dear friends of Life,

My name is Ray Mooney; I joined Priests for Life during the summer of 2006 as an intern working in the Speakers Bureau. I now work for the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life Lay Association with Jim Pinto.

I started as an intern at the age of 63 because of a journey that began in April of 2004 when I was able to have Father Pavone visit our parish in Allentown, PA. I was the Pro-life coordinator for a number of years and the bus captain on several Marches for Life, but I felt that I should be doing more. One month after that inspiring meeting with Father Pavone, I took the third of my five pilgrimages to Medjugorje with the prayer to Jesus and Mary, "How do you want me to spend the rest of my life working full-time for you?" While there, I was granted two very powerful messages that pointed me towards expanding my Pro-life work. The passion created in me by those experiences in Medjugorje attached itself to Father Pavone's work partly because of the timing of his visit and I became increasingly drawn to Priests for Life.

In the early spring of 2005 Paul Schenck, one of our pastoral associates, told me about the formation of Father Pavone's new society of apostolic life called Missionaries of the Gospel of Life. When I read Father's words on the Priests for Life website about how God had called forth the creation of the Benedictines, Franciscans, Dominicans and Jesuits as a response to the evils of those earlier ages, I realized God was calling for a new society to be created expressly to combat the evils of abortion, euthanasia, destructive embryonic stem cell research and artificial contraception that have brought a Culture of Death to our world. I knew as I read Father Pavone's words and those of John Paul II whom he quoted regarding a return to a Culture of Life, that I must join these missionaries and do my part to help Father in his efforts to change the world.

I encourage you to read about how men and women who are doing Pro-life work in their communities can become part-time members as Lay Associates and derive the benefits of being connected to the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life. You can learn more by clicking here and may God bless you for your Pro-life work.

Ray Mooney, M.E.V.
Missionaries of the Gospel of Life Lay Association


Lisa Amass

Lisa has now left Priests for Life to stay home with her kids full-time.

Hi, my name is Lisa Amass.  I work for Priests for Life as the Receptionist. My Job is to make sure that all calls are directed to the proper person. I also have many other tasks that I do throughout the day.  I've learned so much working here and have grown in my pro-life conviction. It is such a blessing to be a part of this organization.  What has really made me 100% pro-life are the graphic pictures of abortion.  As Fr. Frank always says, America Will Not Reject Abortion Until America Sees Abortion .


Chris Morales

Chris has since moved on to other work on the West Coast and remains in contact with Priests for Life.

Dear Friends,

I was asked to relate some of my experiences I have had as the Associate Director of the Speakers Bureau at Priests for Life. I do so happily and I can tell you that it is a good and very rewarding work.

It is wonderful to see the movement of the Holy Spirit and the unfolding of Our Lord’s will in the world to bring mercy to His people. The work of the Church is a work of mercy and Priests for Life continues that work by bringing God’s mercy into the lives of many people. I feel blessed to have scheduled a great number of trips that our priests and pastoral associates have taken.

From the viewpoint of the Speakers Bureau at Priests for Life I have become acquainted with the Church in the United States and other parts of the world and it has been especially edifying. From this viewpoint one can see the advancement of the Culture of Life and where the challenges in the future lay. There are many different categories of people in the Church I have worked with who have facilitated Priests for Life trips such as Diocesan Respect Life coordinators, chancellors, vicar generals, deanery representatives, representatives from ecclesial communities, and representatives from Catholic apostolates to name a few.

Also I have personally worked with pastors and parishioners to organize events that our priests and pastoral associates have conducted in communities and parishes. A brief listing of activities I have helped organize are preaching at masses, clergy and seminarian seminars, prayer vigil at abortion mills, life chains, Face the Truth tours, banquets for right to life groups, visits to encourage pro-life groups, voter registration drives, visits to the offices of legislators, parish based pro-life talks, post-abortion retreats for healing, and interviews on TV, radio, and newspaper.

It is encouraging to hear the grateful words that our trip contacts have expressed after having hosted one of our speakers and knowing that Priests for Life has strengthened the pro-life movement in their community. They are thankful for having heard the truth spoken in unambiguous terms regarding the Church’s teaching about life and what they can do to end the tragedy of abortion and euthanasia. Lastly, it is gratifying to hear that people are converted and that hearts are turned to God.

In Christ Our Life,

Chris Morales
Associate Director, Speakers Bureau

Amanda Conklin

Amanda and her husband, Seth, have moved and are pursuing other opportunities.

Hello! My name is Amanda Conklin. I came on board with the Rachel’s Vineyard/Priests for Life family in the fall of 2009 as an Administrative Assistant. I do all sorts of things in our office from putting out our monthly e-newsletter to handling insurance for our retreat sites and everything in between!

I have pretty much always been active in the Pro-Life movement and have attended the March for Life every year since I was 12 years old. My parents run Rachel’s Vineyard in the Diocese of Ogdensburg in upstate NY and they are also the Respect Life coordinators for the diocese. I started a Rock for Life chapter in my public high school which created quite the stir and my deep love for the Pro-Life movement took off from there. I also interned for Expect Mother Care with Chris Slattery in NYC when I was in college. I graduated from DeSales University with a BA in Theology in 2009.

I am very happy to be working for Rachel’s Vineyard/Priests for Life and I am continually amazed at the way God works. Being able to work for an organization and cause that I have a great passion for is a huge blessing. I married my wonderful husband Seth in October of 2011.

  Kathleen Corrigan

Kathleen is now pursuing other opportunities.

Hello, friends! My name is Kathleen Corrigan and I am the newest addition to the Rachel’s Vineyard team, where I work as an Administrative Assistant. I am a 2010 graduate of DeSales University where I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication. After graduating from college, I spent nine months in the sticks of Reedsburg, Wisconsin volunteering at Camp Gray Catholic Camp where I got to spend nearly every day teaching beautiful children about our beautiful God.

I have been passionate about the pro-life movement since I was in high school. In fact, I even created a pro-life commercial as my Senior Graduation Project in 2006 with the help of a personal home video-recorder and a couple of friends. I am thrilled to be a part of the Rachel’s Vineyard/ Priests for Life team. It is an incredible feeling to know that your job is not just a job, but a mission from God. To be able to leave work every day knowing that the little things you did are making a big difference in building up the Kingdom of God is an incredible blessing! Praise God!

Laura Peters

My name is Laura, I’m 23 years old, and I just moved across the country from Alabama to join the team here at Priests for Life. I will be working as an Outreach Associate, concentrating on both social networking and the lay ministry known as the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life. I feel so blessed and privileged to have the opportunity to work for such a dynamic and effective leader as Father Pavone, and can quite literally say that this is my dream job.

As far as my background goes, I attended the University of Dallas for a few years before completing my education at the University of Alabama, where I majored in political science and minored in history. It was at UA that my journey as a pro-life activist began, where I became involved with the student group on campus, organized Alabama’s first collegiate statewide pro-life conference, and served as statewide leader of Alabama Students for Life.

I also had the opportunity to spend two summers in Washington, D.C., during which time I participated in Students for Life of America’s “Missionaries for Life” rotating internship program and served as a Congressional Intern for Senator Sam Brownback. The past few years have definitely been an epic adventure with Jesus, and I am absolutely amazed by the way God has integrated my love for my Catholic faith, passion for networking, and fascination with politics all into this one position.

I’ve been drawn to all things pertaining to grassroots activism as long as I can remember, so I am very much looking forward to helping pro-lifers around the country take their activism to the next level!

  Phil Yoo

Hi! My name is Phil Yoo and I am an Administrative Assistant at Priests for Life. Before officially joining the Priests for Life team, I volunteered under various capacities for this wonderful organization. Prior to working here, both as a volunteer and employee, I am ashamed to say that I had never even heard of Priests for Life or even knew of a pro-life movement. However, they have accepted me with open arms and educated me on the issue of abortion

I am behind my co-workers in my involvement in the pro-life movement.  I intend on working hard, then working harder, and giving all I can give to this organization and the pro-life movement.  I will work tirelessly along-side my co-workers toward the goal of ending abortion. We all have a place in this fight; here, I’ve found mine.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: