Suggested Petitions for the General Intercessions on the Sundays and Feast Days of the Liturgical Year - Year A

Advent Season Solemnities of the Lord During the Season of the Year
Christmas Season Cycle B
Lenten Season Cycle C
Easter Season Petitions for Any Day
Sundays of the Year Spanish version

First Sunday of Advent, Cycle A
That Christians may prepare for the Lord's coming by fostering a consistent respect for human life, born and unborn, we pray to the Lord…
Second Sunday of Advent, Cycle A
That our nation may heed the Gospel call to reform our lives by ending the practices of abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment, we pray to the Lord…
Third Sunday of Advent, Cycle A
That the joy of the Lord's coming may strengthen all pregnant mothers to welcome and nurture the new life God has entrusted to them, we pray to the Lord…
Fourth Sunday of Advent, Cycle A
That following St. Joseph's example, all fathers may be strengthened in love for their wives and for their children, born and unborn, we pray to the Lord…
That the joy of Christians at the Birth of Christ may also be reflected in our willingness to welcome every child, even in difficult circumstances, we pray to the Lord.
Feast of the Holy Family
That the family may become ever more the sanctuary of life, where all are welcomed as a gift rather than a burden, we pray to the Lord.
That the Manifestation of the glory of Christ will enable all nations to also recognize the sanctity of each and every human life, we pray to the Lord…
Baptism of the Lord
That the Christian community, made one by our common baptism, may always welcome the unborn, the stranger, and all who are vulnerable, we pray to the Lord…
Ash Wednesday
That the grace of Lenten repentance may lead our society to reject all that devalues human life, such as abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment, we pray to the Lord...
First Sunday of Lent, Cycle A
That all may reject the temptation to "be like gods" who have mastery over human life, and instead may accept and reverence life as a supreme gift of the Creator, we pray to the Lord...
 Second Sunday of Lent, Cycle A
That Jesus, who "has robbed death of its power," may grant us a Culture of Life, free from the evils of abortion, euthanasia, and all forms of violence and oppression, we pray to the Lord...
Third Sunday of Lent, Cycle A
That those who thirst for the waters of life -- the unborn children, the terminally ill, the marginalized and oppressed -- may be set free and embraced in love, we pray to the Lord...
Fourth Sunday of Lent, Cycle A
That our society may be cured of spiritual blindness and rediscover the equal dignity of the unborn, the terminally ill, those on death row, and all who are oppressed, we pray to the Lord...
Fifth Sunday of Lent, Cycle A
That we who believe in Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life, may defend life and help bring an end to abortion and other forms of injustice, we pray to the Lord...
Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday)
That the saving death of Jesus may restore in us a deep reverence and respect for every human life, for which He sacrificed His own life, we pray to the Lord...
Holy Thursday
That our gratitude for the Gift of the Eucharist on this night may strengthen our solidarity with the poor in danger of starvation, the lonely in danger of despair, and the unborn in danger of abortion, we pray to the Lord...
Easter Vigil
That the light of the Risen Christ may shine upon the poor, the sick, the oppressed, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord...
Easter Sunday
That Jesus, who conquered the power of death, may give our society the strength to eliminate the evils of abortion, assisted suicide, and capital punishment, we pray to the Lord...
Second Sunday of Easter, Cycle A
That as the apostles shared all their goods, Christians may share their goods with those who feel they cannot carry their pregnancy to term, and assist them to choose life, we pray to the Lord...
Third Sunday of Easter, Cycle A
That as we recognize Jesus in the breaking of the Bread, we may also see Him in the poor, the sick, the marginalized, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord...
Fourth Sunday of Easter, Cycle A
That as followers of Jesus, who came that all may have life, we may actively oppose abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, and all assaults on human dignity, we pray to the Lord...
Fifth Sunday of Easter, Cycle A
That we, the People God claims as His own, may bear witness that He alone has the authority to give and take human life, we pray to the Lord...
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Cycle A
That the Spirit of Truth may enable all people to see that human life at every stage must be respected and protected, and that no person has the right to choose to kill another, we pray to the Lord...
Feast of the Ascension
That the Ascension may renew our understanding of the dignity of every born and unborn human person, all of whom are called to share the life of Christ in the glory of heaven, we pray to the Lord...  
Seventh Sunday of Easter, Cycle A
That as Christ's disciples who live in a Culture of Death, we may effective witnesses to the Gospel of Life which has been entrusted to us, we pray to the Lord...
Pentecost Sunday
That we who have the Holy Spirit as our Advocate may in turn be advocates for the vulnerable, the forgotten, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord...



Sundays of the Year

Second Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That we may respond to our call to be a holy people by protecting and respecting all human life, especially those who are most inconvenient and easy to ignore, we pray to the Lord…
Third Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That nations may heed the Gospel's call to reform their lives by eliminating abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment, we pray to the Lord…
Fourth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That God's people may "do justice" by working to save the poorest of the poor, the unborn children in danger of abortion, we pray to the Lord...
Fifth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That God, who calls us to remove all oppression, will enable our nation to restore equal protection to the lives of children still in their mother's womb, we pray to the Lord...
Sixth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That God, who commands us not to kill, may strengthen the efforts of all His people to end abortion, we pray to the Lord…
Seventh Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That God's grace may enable all people to see that even the smallest children, those yet unborn, are reflections of His glory and called to be temples of His Holy Spirit, we pray to the Lord…
Eighth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That mothers who are tempted to abort the child of their womb may be freed from anxiety and strengthened in their special calling to nurture life, we pray to the Lord…
Ninth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That we may not only hear but also do the Lord's will by caring for the poor, the sick, the marginalized, and the unborn, we pray to the Lord…
Tenth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That the People of God may exercise the love and mercy He desires us to show to the weakest members of our community, the sick and the unborn, we pray to the Lord…
Eleventh Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That the gift of life, which we have received, we may give as a gift by working to save those in danger of abortion, euthanasia, or other forms of violence, we pray to the Lord…
Twelfth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That God, who rescues the life of the helpless, may enable us to rescue children from abortion, the sick from euthanasia, the criminal from capital punishment, and the poor from starvation, we pray to the Lord…
Thirteenth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
For the strength to welcome Christ as He comes to us in the stranger, the sick, the imprisoned, and the unborn child, we pray to the Lord…
Fourteenth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
For all who find life burdensome because of a pregnancy they feel they cannot handle, that they embrace Christ and know His strength, we pray to the Lord…
Fifteenth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That God, the great Sower of the Gift of Life, may see that gift welcomed and celebrated by all His people, and never trampled underfoot, we pray to the Lord…
Sixteenth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That we may fulfill our call to be just and kind by building a society that shows mercy to the criminal, welcome to the stranger, and protection to the unborn, we pray to the Lord…
Seventeenth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That world leaders will have the wisdom to see that the greatest treasure is human life itself, and may work to protect and enhance that gift, we pray to the Lord…
Eighteenth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
For all who have had abortions, that St. Paul's message that nothing can separate us from Christ's love will give them strength to seek reconciliation in the Church, we pray to the Lord…
Nineteenth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That all who are pregnant and feel they cannot carry their child will find new strength from the presence of Christ who says, "Do not be afraid," we pray to the Lord...
Twentieth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That we may do more to welcome, cherish, and protect the gift of life which, like all God's gifts, is irrevocable, we pray to the Lord...
Twenty-First Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That the Church, against which the gates of death cannot prevail, will work with confidence to eradicate the injustices of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia, we pray to the Lord...
Twenty-Second Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That those who defend and promote abortion may be transformed by the renewal of their minds, and always defend the right of every person to life, we pray to the Lord...
Twenty-Third Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That we who are called to instruct and admonish one another may never fail to dissuade those who are tempted to abort their children, we pray to the Lord...
Twenty-Fourth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That the Gospel's call to forgiveness may bring our society to reject the use of capital punishment, we pray to the Lord...
Twenty-Fifth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That we may look upon the poor, the vulnerable, the stranger, and the unborn with the unconditional love and welcome portrayed by the Gospel, we pray to the Lord...
Twenty-Sixth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That the Church's call to repentance and promise of mercy may reach and comfort all those who suffer because of a past abortion, we pray to the Lord...
Twenty-Seventh Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That God, who looks for justice rather than bloodshed, may strengthen all nations to protect human life, especially at its most vulnerable stages, we pray to the Lord...
Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That we, the People of Life, may always proclaim and defend human life as a gift from God, who destroys death forever in Christ, we pray to the Lord...
Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That God's people may be active in carrying out their civic responsibilities, and may choose leaders who will build a society that respects all human life, we pray to the Lord... 
Thirtieth Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That God, who hears the cry of all who are injured and vulnerable, may open our ears to that same cry and enable us to build a Culture of Life, we pray to the Lord...
Thirty-First Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That we, who all have one Father, may build a society that treats the unborn, the inconvenient, and the burdensome as brothers and sisters, we pray to the Lord...
Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That God's people, who proclaim that death has been conquered in Christ, may be active in defending His gift of life, we pray to the Lord...
Thirty-Third Sunday of the Year, Cycle A
That God's people may use their many talents to proclaim the sanctity of life in the arenas of business, media, the arts, and politics, we pray to the Lord...
Thirty-Fourth or Last Sunday of the Year: Solemnity of Christ the King, Cycle A
That in Christ, the King of Justice and Life, the evils of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia may be eliminated from our midst, we pray to the Lord...


Solemnities of the Lord During the Season of the Year

Trinity Sunday, Cycle A
That as the Life of the Trinity fills God's People, they may, as the People of Life, bring about a new respect and protection of every human being's right to life, we pray to the Lord...
Corpus Christi, Cycle A
For a new Culture of Life, that welcomes children with a self-sacrificing love that says, "This is my body, given for you," we pray to the Lord...
Sacred Heart, Cycle A
That the endless mercy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus may lift out of despair those who have participated in abortions, and make them defenders of life, we pray to the Lord...

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