Is This What You Mean?
Description: This episode describes the project of Priests for Life, whereby pro-life people quote the abortionists and then ask 'pro-choice' people, "When you say 'abortion,' is this what you mean?" Learn how to challenge abortion supporters just by asking this one simple question. Related Video: Guest: James Pinto, Jr., MEV, Pastoral Associate, Priests for Life Action Segment: Register with the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and recruit others to do so as well. Featured Product: Priests for Life Wall Calendar. You can order the 2009 calendar at half price and pre-order the 2010 calendar. Makes a great gift! Ask Fr. Frank: I have noticed that you have conducted funerals for aborted babies. How did you get the bodies and were they intact? - Monica from Mississippi. Related video: Video from Fr. Frank explaining the selling of baby body parts (2 minutes)
Earth's Trash, Heaven's Treasure
Description: This episode explores some of the instances in which aborted babies were found in dumpsters across the country, and given a proper burial by pro-life people. Find out how much we can learn about a culture by looking at what it throws away. Related resources: Burial of babies in Detroit - [photos] [5 minute video] Guest: Monica Migliorino Miller, Ph.D., Director, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and Professor of Sacred Theology, Madonna University. Action Segment: Attend the March for Life in Washington, DC every January and attend your local pro-life marches. Featured Products: All of these prayers and more can be found at
Killed in Darkness, Remembered in Light
Description: This episode shows scenes from the funeral of three aborted babies buried at Mother Angelica's Shrine in Hanceville, AL in July of 2008. You will not easily forget this ceremony. Related Resource: Burial of babies in Alabama - July 2008 - [photos] [4 Minute video] Guest: Monica Migliorino Miller, Ph.D., Director, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and Professor of Sacred Theology, Madonna University. Action Segment: Use yard signs to get out the pro-life message all year round. Some yard signs can be found at Featured Products: - Evangelium Vitae Study Guide - This study guide, written by the clergy and pastoral associates of Priests for Life, can be used by individuals or groups as a side-by-side companion with the Encyclical itself. It will aid in delving more deeply into the text and will stimulate reflection and discussion.
- Living the Gospel of Life Study Guide - This study guide was written to assist parishes and individuals to understand the Bishops' teaching.
- Humanae Vitae Study Guide - This study guide, written by the Priests and Pastoral Associates of Priests for Life, contains the text of the Encyclical itself along with commentary and study questions.
Ask Fr. Frank: My friend had an abortion. I know it must be hurting her, but don't know how to talk to her about it. - Susan from Maine
A Doctor's Conscience
Description: This episode introduces us to the witness and struggle of a pro-life obstetrician and gynecologist who is a convert to Catholicism and exercised conscientious objection to participating in abortion. The cost of being a pro-life doctor is more than dollars and cents. Guest: Dr. Angela Flippin-Trainer Action Segment: Use YouTube to spread the pro-life message. Featured Products: Ask Fr. Frank: How do we encourage our Priests to talk about contraception? - Shannon from Maryland
Senate Sermons
Description: This episode contains excerpts of Fr. Frank Pavone's sermons delivered to pro-life gatherings in the United States Senate. If you have ever struggled with the question of how much you should sacrifice for your unborn neighbor, you won't want to miss this episode. Action Segment: Promote the LifeTalk Monthly DVD. Each DVD contains a lively 1-hour television talk show dedicated exclusively to the abortion issue, and every month it can be delivered directly to your home. Each show features Fr. Frank Pavone. Featured Products: Ask Fr. Frank: Is it OK to vote for Third Party candidates who seem to be "more pro-life" than the major party candidates? - Rebecca from Illinois - Related Resource: Voting with a Clear Conscience booklet - Fr. Frank Pavone has put together this booklet which summarizes the message he delivers around the country regarding the moral considerations of voting.
From N.O.W. to New Life
Description: Jane Brennan, a former feminist who volunteered with N.O.W., Planned Parenthood and NARAL, describes her journey form an abortion advocate, and an abortion experience, to the redeeming love of Christ. This episode will give you a reason to hope for the conversion of every abortion advocate you know. Guest: Jane Brennan, author of Motherhood Interrupted Action Segment: Use the Pro-Life Action Cards form Life Dynamics. Inject some truth into the abortion prolife argument with prolife action cards. This unique, business-card-size tool gives pro-lifers a clear and concise way to call attention to the facts on abortion that can help win others over to the pro-life movement. Prolife action cards help provoke thought and discussion. Featured Products: Ask Fr. Frank: What do I say to a person who doesn't listen to any religious arguments in order to convince them that abortion is wrong? - Tara from Utah
The Fruits of Sidewalk Counseling
Description: This episode shares scenes form the baptism ceremony, presided over by Fr. Frank Pavone, of two babies saved from abortion in Allentown, PA. Often enough, we don't see the fruits of our labors in the pro-life cause - and that's exactly why you'll love this episode. Related Resources: Action Segment: Is this What You Mean? A Challenge to abortion supporters. This is a project of Priests for Life, whereby pro-life people quote the abortionists and then ask 'pro-choice' people, "When you say 'abortion,' is this what you mean?" Learn how to challenge abortion supporters just by asking this one simple question. Featured Products: - Products in Spanish.
- In the Palm of His Hand Prayer booklet - This booklet of prayers to end abortion is ideal for use in Church, at home, or at the abortion mill!
- Will to Live
- Earth's Trash; Heaven's Treasure Painting - This is a pro-life masterpiece that has moved countless people around the world. See how babies are taken by angels from abortion-mill dumpsters into the playground of heaven. Great to post in Churches, pregnancy centers, offices and homes.
Ask Fr. Frank: I would like to do sidewalk counseling, but am wondering what is the best thing to say when you only have 20 second to get the attention of someone walking into the abortion facility? - Jessica from new Mexico
Breaking Deadly Silence
Description: This episode is an invitation to all to help make known the testimonies of those who have had abortions, so that the call to repentance and healing may be widely heard and accepted. Sin damages us; but in this episode we will talk abut a special mission that we are given after we have sinned. Related Resource: Guest: Jane Brennan, author of Motherhood Interrupted Action Segment: Featured Product: - The Procedure DVD. This DVD features an episode of our "Gospel of Life" TV series in which Fr. Frank quotes from practicing abortionists to describe the abortion procedure. You will also hear the horror that abortion causes the mother as you watch several women of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign share their testimonies!
- Pro-Life Answers Booklet - By Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics in cooperation with Fr. Frank Pavone. This 80-page booklet will train you to think like a pro-lifer and to effectively communicate the pro-life message to others.
- In the Palm of His Hand Prayer booklet - This booklet of prayers to end abortion is ideal for use in Church, at home, or at the abortion mill!
- Will to Live
- Earth's Trash; Heaven's Treasure Painting - This is a pro-life masterpiece that has moved countless people around the world. See how babies are taken by angels from abortion-mill dumpsters into the playground of heaven. Great to post in Churches, pregnancy centers, offices and homes.
Ask Fr. Frank: We are trying to have a child. Is there fertility care that does not violate church teaching, and where can we find it? - Mark and Susan from Montana
It's Friday, Sunday's Comin'
Description: This episode will help us all respond to the slogans that some politicians use to justify their support for abortion. Related Video: Video of Fr. Frank Preaching on It's Friday, Sunday's Comin' ( 3 minutes) Action Segment: Go to the abortion mills: Pray, Witness, Sidewalk Counsel. Featured Products: - The Contraception of Grief book - This book by Theresa Burke with a contributions by Janet Morana and others, exposes the pain that so many women endure when they realize that the contraceptives they used caused the deaths of their children. This book is for women, men, pastors, doctors and all who minister to the family.
- Abortion and Contraception: Fruits of the Same Tree brochure
- 10 Responses to Pro-Abortion Politicians brochure - If you've ever written to a pro-abortion politician about the right to life, you've probably received a form letter that utilizes one of the several worn-out arguments. This brochure reviews how to answer them.
- Pro-Life Answers Booklet - By Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics in cooperation with Fr. Frank Pavone. This 80-page booklet will train you to think like a pro-lifer and to effectively communicate the pro-life message to others.
- Earth's Trash; Heaven's Treasure Painting - This is a pro-life masterpiece that has moved countless people around the world. See how babies are taken by angels from abortion-mill dumpsters into the playground of heaven. Great to post in Churches, pregnancy centers, offices and homes.
- In the Palm of His Hand Prayer booklet - This booklet of prayers to end abortion is ideal for use in Church, at home, or at the abortion mill!
- Will to Live
Ask Fr. Frank: When I talk with people about abortion, they claim they are against it but do not want to see women thrown into prison for having one. What is the best thing to say in response to that concern? - Harry form Ohio
Nothing More Precious
Description: Gail McWilliams was given a difficult decision to choose between her eyesight or her child, and is pressured by doctors to abort. She chose life for her child. Related Resources: Guest: Gail McWilliams, Author and Speaker Action Segment: Use FaceBook and MySpace to get out the pro-life message. Featured Product: - Pro-Life Spirituality and Activism: A Training Seminar - In these nine CD's, using the US Bishops' Pastoral Plan for Pro-life Activities and the vision of Priests for Life, Fr. Frank Pavone presents the spirituality of pro-life activism, the virtues we need to exercise and the strategies we need to carry out.
- Pro-Life Answers Booklet - By Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics in cooperation with Fr. Frank Pavone. This 80-page booklet will train you to think like a pro-lifer and to effectively communicate the pro-life message to others.
- In the Palm of His Hand Prayer booklet - This booklet of prayers to end abortion is ideal for use in Church, at home, or at the abortion mill!
- Will to Live
Ask Fr. Frank: There are a number of new, extra large abortion facilities that Planned Parenthood is opening in various cities. Does this make it harder to stop abortion? - Mary from Colorado
Where is Your Brother?
Description: In this episode, see a funeral service for an aborted baby at Holy Apostles Seminary. Fr. Frank gives an inspiring homily on how such babies speak to our soul. This funeral was one of the most powerful moments for the Seminarians in their encounter with the unborn. Related Video: Related Resource: Action Segment: Get involved in State Legislation. For more information see Featured Product: - Theology of Abortion booklet. How does a Christian evaluate abortion in the light of Scripture, the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, and other key tenets of our faith? This booklet explores those questions.
- Earth's Trash; Heaven's Treasure Painting - This is a pro-life masterpiece that has moved countless people around the world. See how babies are taken by angels from abortion-mill dumpsters into the playground of heaven. Great to post in Churches, pregnancy centers, offices and homes.
- Pro-Life Answers Booklet - By Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics in cooperation with Fr. Frank Pavone. This 80-page booklet will train you to think like a pro-lifer and to effectively communicate the pro-life message to others.
- In the Palm of His Hand Prayer booklet - This booklet of prayers to end abortion is ideal for use in Church, at home, or at the abortion mill!
- Americans United for Life - Defending Life 2009 -
Ask Fr. Frank: How do I know if a company supports Planned Parenthood, and do I have to stop using that Company? - Mark from Alabama Related Resource:
What does the Church say about the Elections
Description: Prior to the 2000 elections, Priests for Life held a major press conference on the Church and politics with Priests from around the Nation. This show shares substantial portions of our message to the press about the Church's role in elections Related Video: Video from the Press Conference: [Part 1 - 3 minutes] [Part 2 - 3 minutes] Action Segment: Invite Priests for Life speakers to your area, see photos of some of our trips at Featured Products: What's So Bad About Abortion? Brochure and other products from the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. Ask Fr. Frank: My friend had a terrible experience in a nursing home where the staff seemed to want her uncle dead. What should people do in these circumstances? - Walter from North Carolina
Telling Divine Tales
Description: A woman and man who lost children to abortion share their heart and their healing. They are members of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. Related Video: Action Segment: Visit your local Pregnancy Resource Center. Know the resources for assistance in your area. See Featured Product: Sharing the Heart of Christ book by Kevin and Theresa Burke Ask Fr. Frank: Does Priests for Life address issues like poverty, war, and unemployment, as part of the Consistent Ethic of Catholic Social teaching? - Fr. James from Oklahoma