"Defending Life" Season 6 (2001)

From August 7-11, 2000, Fr. Frank Pavone taped the sixth series of 13 brand new episodes of "Defending Life," his television series on abortion. Airing on the world's largest religious cable network, EWTN, this series has brought countless people to a deep pro-life conviction, and has helped those who already have that conviction to translate it into effective action. Furthermore, the series has helped clergy throughout the world preach and teach the sanctity of life. Above all, lives have been saved as a result of these programs.

Introduction to Priests for Life

On this segment, Fr. Frank Pavone answers the question, "What is Priests for Life?," and shows segments of a professional video which introduces the organization.

The American Experiment

Join Fr. Frank as he discusses why abortion is not just undesirable, but completely intolerable. Fundamental Constitutional issues are raised by ongoing legalized abortion in America. The call of the pro-life movement to end all abortion is not an unreasonable demand, but a requirement of the plain language of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

A Challenge to Roe vs. Wade: Part I

Attorney Harold Cassidy from New Jersey explains the new lawsuit which could ultimately overturn Roe vs. Wade. The Donna Santa Marie case holds that abortion destroys the rights of women. It is based on a case of a forced abortion.

A Challenge to Roe vs. Wade: Part II

Attorney Harold Cassidy from New Jersey explains the new lawsuit which could ultimately overturn Roe vs. Wade. The Donna Santa Marie case holds that abortion destroys the rights of women. It is based on a case of a forced abortion.

A Ministry of Encouragement

In this segment, you will meet the priests who have given themselves to full-time ministry with Priests for Life: Fr. Denis G. Wilde, OSA, Fr. Walter Quinn, OSA, Fr. Peter West, and Fr. Richard Hogan.

Heads in the Sand?

This show is a challenge to all Americans to wake up to the evil which abortion is -- an evil not often seen, yet an evil which words alone cannot convey. Fr. Frank describes how at one time most Americans did not believe the Nazi atrocities were happening, and how visual images have played a role in various social reform movements to help people confront injustice.

Sisters of Life

Meet the Superior and Novice Director of the new religious community, founded by Cardinal John O'Connor. The Sisters of Life take a special vow for the defense and proclamation of the sanctity of every human life.

Miss Connecticut

In this show, meet Sylvia Gomes, who hold the title of Miss Connecticut of 1999, and was among the top 10 finalists for Miss America. Most important to her, however, is the title of "Christian." As she explains, the only one in her home who wears a crown is the Mother of Jesus. Sylvia uses her position to advance the pro-life message and other Christian values.

The Prodigal Project

In this show, Joan Appleton explains how she was responsible for the killing of 10,000 unborn children, and how God saved her. Now a full-time pro-life activist, she heads the US branch of a ministry for healing former abortionists, as well as a project that invites workers in abortion facilities to forsake their deadly activity.

Contact Joan at

Pro-life Action Ministries

PO Box 75368

St. Paul, MN 55175-0368

Phone: 651-771-1500

Fax: 651-771-6967

Fourth Trimester Abortion

In this show, learn how prevalent infanticide is in America. Hear about some people who argue that in order to be consistent, we must either oppose abortion or accept infanticide, because there is no essential moral difference.

Preaching and Praying Pro-life

In this show, Fr. Frank reviews the key components that should constitute a pro-life homily, and offers the Priests for Life booklet "Preaching on Abortion." Special attention is given to the issue of speaking about abortion to children and to the elderly. He likewise reviews the booklet of pro-life prayers called "In the Palm of His Hand."

Bioethical Challenges in the 21st Century

Dr. Bernard Nathanson claims that the Church was caught asleep when he "uncaged the abortion monster" in the United States. Now a pro-life leader, he warns us not to be asleep as we face the bioethical challenges of the new century, such as genetic manipulation, the slowing of the aging process, and the creation of entirely new species. 

The Sanctuary of Life

Meet Marijane and Donna Camilleri, who tell the story of how the pro-life message is lived each day in their family in the unconditional love and acceptance of life as God gives it. In this show, you will also experience the beautiful music video by Dana, "This is My Body."

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: mail@priestsforlife.org