Defending Life Season 30

Began airing September 21, 2016

This series on EWTN features Executive Director Janet Morana, with co-hosts Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Priest Associate and others as they discuss pro-life strategies and interview fascinating guests.

Airing Schedule: Watch on EWTN, Wednesdays at 3:00 am and Thursdays at 11pm ET.  You can stream EWTN online by going to and clicking on the "television" tab. 

See our media schedule to find the topic for each week.

Help us promote this series.  Click here to download a promotional flier to print and distribute.


Pro-Life meditations on each show are from Fr. Frank Pavone's daily devotional, Pro-Life Reflections for Everyday.  Order your copy at the Priests for Life online store.

Episode 1: Voting with a Clear Conscience

 In ten easily understandable steps, this episode guides the viewer to understand how to apply Church teaching and practical, political wisdom to one’s voting decisions, so as to come to the end of Election Day with a clear conscience.

Featured Product: Abolishing Abortion. Fr. Frank Pavone has written this pro-life manifesto, calling on both Church and state to fulfill their responsibilities to the unborn. 

Episode 2: Ten Responses To Pro-Abortion Politicians

Learn how to respond to ten common statements of pro-abortion politicians.

Featured Product: Election Toolkit. Contains one of each of the following to help you get active in this year’s elections: Abolishing Abortion by Fr. Frank Pavone • 10 Responses to Pro- Abortion Politicians brochure • Voting with a Clear Conscience brochure • A Study Guide to the US Bishops’ document Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics.• Church and Politics: Are We As Restricted As We Think? booklet • Election Prayer for Life Prayer Card • Comparison of the Party platforms

Episode 3: Vote For Life Campaign

The Church teaches that faithful citizenship not only means believing the right things, but taking action to change the political landscape of the nation.

Featured Product: Election Toolkit. Contains one of each of the following to help you get active in this year’s elections: Abolishing Abortion by Fr. Frank Pavone • 10 Responses to Pro- Abortion Politicians brochure • Voting with a Clear Conscience brochure • A Study Guide to the US Bishops’ document Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics.• Church and Politics: Are We As Restricted As We Think? booklet • Election Prayer for Life Prayer Card • Comparison of the Party platforms

Episode 4: Death With Dignity

The role of family, of communication, and of forgiveness, as well as how we find new meaning as life circumstances change, all play a vital role in medical decision-making.

Guests: Karyme Lozano, Mexican Actress and Jeffrey Bishop, Director of Gnaegi Ctr. For Health Ethics, St Louis University

Featured Product: Abolishing AbortionFr. Frank Pavone has written this pro-life manifesto, calling on both Church and state to fulfill their responsibilities to the unborn. 

Episode 5: Being Homeless and Choosing Life

 This episode accompanies Jessica Echeverry through some painful memories of her past, showing that even in the darkest of circumstances, God’s grace, and the generous help of His people, can give a mom the courage to choose life.

Guest: Jessica Echeverry, founder and executive director of Sore Feet Saviors

Featured Product: Election Toolkit. Contains one of each of the following to help you get active in this year’s elections: Abolishing Abortion by Fr. Frank Pavone • 10 Responses to Pro- Abortion Politicians brochure • Voting with a Clear Conscience brochure • A Study Guide to the US Bishops’ document Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics.• Church and Politics: Are We As Restricted As We Think? booklet • Election Prayer for Life Prayer Card • Comparison of the Party platforms

Episode 6: My Emptiness After Abortion

This episode fosters compassion for all who have had abortions by entering the heart and mind of one woman who shares in a heartfelt way her experience of how devastating it was.

Guest: Jessica Echeverry, founder and executive director of Sore Feet Saviors

Featured Product: Abolishing Abortion.  Fr. Frank Pavone has written this pro-life manifesto, calling on both Church and state to fulfill their responsibilities to the unborn.

Episode 7: Obamacare and the HHS Mandate

 In Priests for Life vs. HHS, Priests for Life defended religious freedom along with dozens of other petitioners. In this case, the religious freedom at issue involved the defense of human life against abortion, and the case demonstrates the impact that elections have on the Supreme Court and on our daily lives. 

Featured Product: Proclaiming the Message of Life: Weekly Reflections from the Lectionary by Fr. Frank Pavone is useful for both clergy and laity and contains pro-life reflections on the Sunday readings for every Sunday of all three liturgical years. Servant Publications.

Episode 8: End of Life and Advance Directives

Hear about the medical and psychological dynamics at work in end of life decisions.

Guests: Jeffrey Bishop, Director of Gnaegi Ctr. For Health Ethics, St Louis University and Maureen Condic, Associate Professor Neurobiology & Anatomy, School of Medicine, University Of Utah

Featured Product: Proclaiming the Message of Life: Weekly Reflections from the Lectionary by Fr. Frank Pavone is useful for both clergy and laity and contains pro-life reflections on the Sunday readings for every Sunday of all three liturgical years. Servant Publications.

Episode 9: Silent Mo More in Washington, DC

See more evidence of how abortion is not a matter of freedom of choice, but is usually forced.

Guest: Brianna and Kelly regret their abortions and are silent no more.

Featured Product: Recall AbortionJanet Morana delves deeply into abortion as a bad product that should be recalled by our government.

Episode 10:The Termination Problem

Hear about how prenatal diagnosis can so easily turn into pressure to abort, and also how parents whose children have particular medical needs can rise to the occasion with generosity and love.

Guests: Kristan Hawkins, President of Students For Life

Featured Product: Proclaiming the Message of Life: Weekly Reflections from the Lectionary by Fr. Frank Pavone is useful for both clergy and laity and contains pro-life reflections on the Sunday readings for every Sunday of all three liturgical years. Servant Publications.

Episode 11: Fetal Pain & Dismemberment Legislation

Scientific evidence is clear that a child can detect and respond to pain by eight weeks of development. This has serious implications for our public policy, and for what kind of culture we want to be.

Guest: Maureen Condic, Associate Professor, Neurobiology & Anatomy, School of Medicine, University of Utah

Featured Product: Proclaiming the Message of Life: Weekly Reflections from the Lectionary by Fr. Frank Pavone is useful for both clergy and laity and contains pro-life reflections on the Sunday readings for every Sunday of all three liturgical years. Servant Publications. 

Episode 12: Eucharistic Processions For Life

As the Church proclaims goodness, she protests evil. These are two sides of the same coin. We should not shrink from the word or work of “protest,” especially in response to abortion. And in the highest expression of the Church’s response to this evil, Priests for Life is leading an effort to worship the Eucharist right in the presence of the nation’s abortion mills.

Featured Product: Recall AbortionJanet Morana delves deeply into abortion as a bad product that should be recalled by our government.

Episode 13: Civil Rights For The Unborn

The pro-life movement is the civil rights movement of today.

Guest: Alveda King, Director, Civil Rights For The Unborn and Pastoral Associate of Priests For Life

Featured ProductRecall AbortionJanet Morana delves deeply into abortion as a bad product that should be recalled by our government.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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